A model created by researchers at
The Max Plank Institute in Germany.
It shows the pattern a thought takes
when firing through "neural networks"
within an average brain. |
Old Dog, New Tricks
It's been said, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." I would have to disagree with that. I think anyone any age could expand their horizons with new interests, lifestyle changes, changes in values, and so forth. And I think science bears me out on this one. Brain research has proven that when you're an older learner, someone with some life experience under your belt, you're better able to connect new information that comes into your brain with the old information stored in "neural networks" you've created through life experience. You understand the "bigger picture" quicker than someone without this advantage. You literally are better able to "connect the dots." We just keep growing, it seems.
In fact, it seems to me there are two urges we all have: one, to find balance, and the second, to expand. These two urges seem to be across the board for humans, in my observation. When we have too much of anything, we instinctively find balance for our bodies and minds again. But balance and stasis could lead to stagnancy, so it seems that we then get an urge to expand again ...take a new class, embark on a new love relationship, visit a new place, take a chance on something we were previously reluctant about before. It seems that throughout our lives there's always higher vibrational levels to which we aspire, and we're driven like salmon swimming upstream to get there. Nothing and no one will stand in the way. We need to go higher, dig deeper, better understand our boundaries ....then
expand them.
Personal Ascension
I've come to term this growth as, "Personal Ascension." I don't know if that's already a popular term somewhere, but I said it spontaneously during a reading once, and it's stuck with me since (note: I am
not using this term in relation to the current New Age trend of "ascension to the 5th dimension," etc. that is popular right now). I can tell when people are experience this, as there tends to be telltale signs of it...