Sunday, October 20, 2013

Panem et Circenses

          I've lost my family and mates to pigskin-itis once again, a longstanding, epidemic addiction here on the U.S.A. Corporation's vast land holdings (humorously known as, "states").

          This means that if I disappear on a 5th dimensional Andromedan biosphere for the next three months hanging out with telepathic, plant-pellet-eating, blue people, then come back promptly the day after Superbowl one would notice the difference.

Eh, meat is overrated, long, sucka's!


Friday, October 4, 2013

We Are Fa-mi-ly

Photoshopped prank-pics are one thing.

Actual bloodlines are another thing,
in fact, they're everything to some.

Just ask Brother Barry, he knows.
Ha, isn't this rich, isn't it queer?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

They Walked Openly Among Us, Once.

They still walk among us, less openly though, for various reasons.
Just like us, some are loving and benevolent, some cold and
indifferent, and some downright evil.   Just like us.

Break's Over

"...hahaha, just joshing, chaps!  We've always had 'em by the Feder-
al Reserve, haven't we?!  Hehe, look at 'em now, runnin' 'round like 
sheep that've lost their way...hehe, 'Oh no, our little puppet govern-ment's been shut down,' hehehe, 'oh what shall we do, what shall we 
do?'  Boo-bloody-hoo, bwahahaha!!!  Eh. [sigh] Hehe. Mmm. Well. 
Right. (ahem) Back to work.  Break's over.  Now, where were we?..."

--Queen Elizabeth at the end
of a lunch break recently 

Mizz Henny Penny says,
"Bamboozled redux, sucka's!"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013