Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rock 'n' Roll Disclosure

"Before we existed the cloning began, the cloning of man and woman.
When we're gone they'll live on, cloned endlessly."

My Clone Sleeps Alone

You know and I know my clone sleeps alone
She's out on her own forever
She's programmed to work hard she's never profane
She won't go insane not ever

No V.D. no cancer on TV's the answer
No father no mother she's just like the other
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone

Your clone loves my clone but yours cannot see
That's no way to be in heaven
No sorrow no heartache just clone harmony
So obviously it's heaven

No naughty clone ladies allowed in The Eighties
No bed names, no sex games, just clone names, and clone games
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone

Before we existed the cloning began
The cloning of man and woman
When we're gone they'll live on, cloned endlessly
It's mandatory in heaven

But they won't remember or ever be tender
No loving no caring no program for pairing
No V.D. no cancer on TV's the answer
No father no mother, she's just like the other!

No naughty clone ladies allowed in The Eighties
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone
My clone sleeps alone
My clone sleeps alone


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Give Love, Because...

"The love you withhold, is the pain you will carry, lifetime after lifetime."

  --Vasais, Andromedan friend of Terran
contactee/activist, "Alex Collier"


Monday, July 22, 2013

Bodies in a Deep Black Lake

We come from the future
Beyond the shores of a deep black lake.
To end the reign of the Demiurge
And release the light of a billion souls.

Break into the continuum,
Through the maws of Cronus we infiltrate.
Liberate our brothers who’ve fallen asleep
In the depths of a deep black hole.

They smile in false sunlight, everything’s okay…
But little did they know their bodies were lying
At the bottom of a deep black lake.

Quarantined from eternity,
They slumber bound by the chains of fate.
Entombed in illusion, confusion, and pain
Dead men dreaming they’re wide awake.

Into the realm of oblivion,
Beneath the waters of a deep black lake
They spiral round and around to the sound
Of a black cathedral’s cursed refrain.

How many fears must we overcome,
Before we awaken from delirium?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Send in the Clones

Don't you love a farce?
But where are the clones?
Send in the clones.
Don't bother ....they're here.
Isn't it rich, isn't it queer?

Clones pictured clockwise from left: Bush, Sr.,
Obama, Bush, Jr., Clinton, and Carter.
Just one big, happy family.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Let's Go to Mars!

'Cause it's all good!


To get your ticket, call This Man!
Hurry, supplies limited (80,000).

Oh, and one more thing,
watch this before you go,
respectfully submitted
for your perusal:
To Serve Man

And don't forget to pack your condiments.
They'll taste great on you when you get there!

Bon voyage, sucka's!!!


Thursday, July 11, 2013


A planet beautiful, but a planet imperiled.  To end PROJECT 
BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE, Terrans first have to believe the 
project exists and is in full effect, they have to see through its 
Matrix..and learn how to hack it!  Otherwise, Terra won't 
be the first planet destroyed thus, and by no means the last.

A Sweet Dream...of Techno-slavery

          Naw man, Voltaire ain't just "difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."  Dude, it's freakin' impossible.  I don't even try anymore.  I can't compete.  Where else could you find such a beautifully-terraformed, ancient planet like this where slavery is so... pleasant?  Somebody pinch me.  I mean, on what other planet out there is such an elegantly-designed Matrix undetectably scaffolded around its inhabitants, like a fine spider web?  The little "copper tops" here simultaneously feed from and into that matrix, that soul-sucking, self-sustaining elegy of death disguised as a harmonious symphony of life.

The Perfect Lullaby  
          Where else have slaves lived with such seeming wealth at their disposal, enjoyed such a facade of liberty, and so many make-believe freedoms?  Where else in the Universe do slaves drive beautiful vehicles fueled by an antiquated substance, and in doing so perpetuate the very economic system that enslaves them?

          And they do this willingly, with as much apathy and ignorance as one could only imagine, as one could only dream.  For the enslavers, does it get any better than this?  I think not.  "Drive, fly, boat anywhere you want on your luscious Prison Planet.  We don't mind.  Do anything you need to do, Littlemen, to make your slavery that much more enticing, that much more enjoyable.  Keep dreaming that sweet dream." 

"I'm going out of my head, lost in the fairy tale. Can you hold my hand and be my 
guide?"  = classic mind control programming lingo.  For an analysis of this 
song's hidden-in-plain-sight message about Beyonce's own beautiful nightmare life
with her handler, Jay-Z, click here:  Beyonce’s Sweet Dreams – Occult Mind Control

A Beautiful Nightmare, or
the Price of Life on Terra, Sol III

         Alex says we're considered "genetic royalty" by ...whomever.  Since when has royalty lived as spiritually-bereft paupers, never knowing anything else but want, from cradle to grave?  Give me a break.  It seems that this is just the beginning of the nightmare.  America's Southern slavery was just a test flight, Germany's Auschwitz, just a trial run.  We ain't seen nothing yet.  This time, slavery won't be based on race or religion, as those on planet Terra of times past.  This version will be based on one thing: being of the human genome, and that's it.  We're the prized cows of an intergalactic 4H Club.

          It's said that every form of refuge has its price.  Slaves suffer from lack of liberty and inhumane commoditization, and quiet as it's kept, we present-day Terrans unwittingly suffer from all those things, less-obviously than in times past.  We are couched in a sweet fiat dream of fiat wealth, of fiat freedom backed by nothing but hot air, and perpetuated by the easy lies of a corporate-controlled and suppressed puppet media.  We are living the beautiful nightmare of our imagined freedoms.

          The ever-present chains that bind us we can't see.  While staring at our iPhones, catching the latest episode of our favorite mind-numbing "programs" (think about that word, program; what does it mean to "program" something...or someone?), and while downing our favorite drugs of choice, legal and otherwise, we dissociate ourselves. Meanwhile, we suffer from cancer-causing microchips; insanity-causing synthetic telepathy and remote influencing; toxicity-causing chemtrails, water and food; and robotizing nanotechnologies.  Throw in round-the-clock audio and visual surveillance via a plethora of chotchkies, "smart" and otherwise, and you've got yourself a nightmare that some might say, perhaps, rivals that of both American and Jewish slaveries combined  --but with a nice, cushy exterior, of course.  We are as cows slaughtered daily by ranchers we don't want to see.

          Worst of all, is the blatant and effective attack on our children's minds and spirits.  Through a plethora of desensitizing movies, video games and gadgets, transhumanism is being made to seem sexy and cool.  These things are sugar-coated poisoned candy, the public relations arm of A.I.  Our toys are the most insulting, most insidious chains of our collective slavery.

          This is the price of life on Terra III.  This is the debt paid by withdrawals made unseen, taken from the banks our genetic "royalty," taken from our personal sovereignty as conscious beings, taken from the very life force energies of our bodies, our minds and our spirits.  We happily and ignorantly pay this price on Terra III, today at least ...will we change this in the future?

At what price, fame, Bey Bey?  Never mind, 
don't want to know.  Got enough beautiful 
nightmares of my own to contend with.

Apparently though, it all catches up sometimes.  


Turn the Lights Out!
'Cause Ignorance is Bliss

Living is easy with eyes closed, 
misunderstanding all you see.
Let me take you down 'cause I'm going to 
Strawberry Fields...nothing is real.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.'
          The harvest is coming.  It always does.  After millennia of careful cultivation, we could say the Ciakar are nothing else if not possessing a great work ethic.  We could say that much, and not much else, because when you say much else, you're a Henny Penny, you're suffering from a bad case of Cassandra Complex, you're a conspiracy theorist.

          So, those that have ears to hear, and eyes to see, know they should just feign deafness and blindness.  They know to keep silent.  It does no good to do otherwise.  They might sing their troubled thoughts away on Fruity Loops software, or write them away on fringe blog posts no one reads.  Daily, their mantra is, "When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around," and they do just that.  They know to let their loved ones enjoy, in peace, the wine and steak generously provided by the Matrix.  It does no good to do otherwise. 

          Meanwhile, game, set, match...the score won't be contested.  And, the chains will ever be revered.


To enjoy and maintain the trappings of the Matrix, governmental, religious 
and military leaders, in cohoots with banksters and other fine folk, over 
millennia, have sold their souls and, in the process, sold out Planet Terra.  
Game, set, match.  In the eyes of the enslavers, if a system ain't broke, 
what's there to fix?  For people like this guy, it remains a sweet dream.

Spirit Over Matter

We are more than mere animals, or machines...The problem is that we are...
intruders into the Matrix.  Spirit is a foreign substance that the Matrix and its 
antibodies are trying to neutralize.  Why?  Because Spirit represents everything 
that the Matrix is not...the only thing the Matrix cannot control nor understand.  


Undulations Ahead

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Nancy Danison's Death Experience


Postcard from a Stupid Fiat Economy: Or, Hello from the Khan's Dominion

Monsters of the USA corporation, blindly buying and selling, fast asleep,
still dancing to beat of the the Nixon Shock, losing their rights like air 
hissing from a balloon.  "Momma always said, 'Stupid is as stupid does,' "
 so at least when the facade finally implodes upon itself, I'll know why.

"All these pieces of paper are issued with as much solemnity and authority as if they were of pure gold or silver... and indeed everybody takes them readily, for wheresoever a person may go throughout the Great Khan's dominions he shall find these pieces of paper current, and shall be able to transact all sales and purchases of goods by means of them just as well as if they were coins of pure gold."       —Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo
