Sunday, November 18, 2012

Good Advice from Bob Olson About Predictions in Psychic Readings

        "Really it's about training us to trust our own inner wisdom. That can be the power of having a reading with a psychic..And I know this might sound silly coming from me, but this is what it's all about: get to the point where you don't need to have readings anymore...working with practitioners in this way can just be a stepping stone to us learning to trust our own inner wisdom and not needing a third party, like a psychic, to tell us about our lives anymore. We all have the ability."     -Bob Olson

       As with any endeavor, it’s good to do as much research on the psychic reading process as possible before investing time and money into it.  Watching videos like this is a good start.  As one who has both received readings from others and given readings professionally, I find Bob’s advice quite solid.  What reader hasn't repeated many of these points in the past?  In fact, I'm sure most would like to see this video plastered on billboards all over the place to save their breath, lol.  I'd make that happen, but it's not in my budget at the moment, so this blog'll have to do. 
Head shot of Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump seated on park bench
"Hello.  You want a choc-late?...I don't
know if we each have a destiny, or if 
we're all just floatin' around accidental-
like on a breeze...I think maybe it's both."

        Note especially the comment about the problem with being "in denial." (@9min:52sec).  This is a fear-based reaction we all experience occasionally, and it tends to bottleneck our spiritual growth.  Another good point, please note the comment about being open to several "messages" from diverse sources confirming an accurate prediction  (@22min:00sec).  I, personally, have a "3rd time's the charm" policy with myself before I take any prediction seriously, even my own.