Thursday, May 30, 2013
Disclosure: Well, We Did Ask for It, Didn't We?
Be Careful What You Wish For
I did ask for it, didn't I? Didn't many of us? We were clamoring for "disclosure," when we very well could have had disclosure right in front of us the whole time. Sometimes the Universe answers a request in an unexpected way. We are entertained by sci-fi, watching all the action-packed films of heroes blowing things up, saving the world from aliens, without so much as realizing how much of it might be fiction, and how much might very well be "disclosure" of real technologies. That's something each of us is left to discern on our own. It's a riddle, a test. A side of me wishes I never wanted to know.
There is not a lot of levity in the attention given lately to the phenomena of "super soldiers." People are caught up in a cult of personality. And they are missing the point, entirely, of the implications of these indivduals' existence. Many are taking the "sensationalism" route, seeking to be thrilled and entertained by them without thinking about the bigger picture of what this all means. "Hey, he's cute." "So cool --I want to be a super solider too!" "What did he say she said he said that she said?" "Who's going to sling mud at whom next?" These are distractions from the larger questions that we really need to be asking ourselves right now. I'll leave it to you to figure out what those questions are.
Anya Briggs gives interesting insights into this subject and more in the following interview. Not surprisingly, her own (alleged) information has been "released" lately, see the purported file below. Who released this file? I don't know. But I do find it interesting that the "disclosure" of this file information happened simultaneous to her claim in the following interview that she will start naming names of disinfo people currently making their rounds in the "truth movement." Like all things, expect some of the file information to be straight truth, some a spinning of the truth, some outright lies ...a combination of all of the above. A lot of the information in it Anya herself has covered on her blog already, anyaisachannel.com. So why release this now?
If you cannot play the above, go to Soundcloud to play it by typing this address into your browser: https://soundcloud.com/anyab13/anya-on-2013-05-20-at-12-14
Listen to internet radio with The Tony Topping Show on BlogTalkRadio
Here is another interview Anya did with researcher/experiencer Tony Toppings, web address: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thetonytoppingshow/2013/05/31/the-tony-topping-show-ep-9-anya-briggs-mind-control
A Template of Manipulation
More and more, it seems to be apparent that many people may have been used, unknowingly, or knowingly but against their will, in many capacities, including a variety of military and (covert) civilian applications. And it appears that what we thought was science "fiction," well, the joke may have been on us. We may have, in fact, been watching real sciences, their display in movies just the desensitization of our conscious awareness of them. What's more is that while they were enacted for our entertainment, many of us, like Anya, may have been and still be party to these things, knowingly or unknowingly.
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Movies and television series abound featur- ing aspects of mind control, and people being used against their will in covert operations sponsored by shadow government entities. |
Note that ritualistic sexual activity and psychic ability both seem to have been "militarized." This has been the case in humanity since ancient times, all over the world, so it's nothing new, really. In reading her alleged file, we need to do less judging at this point, and more self-examination, more question-asking. We need to further investigate what we, any of us, may have done and/or are doing without knowing it, under some form of mind control or another. It's that insidious. This is not about fear and paranoia. This is about a planet of people who, I think, need to wake up, and grow up as a race. We need to try to understand the technologies around us and inside us, the way they may be used in our lives, and why.
Disclosure. Look for it. It may not come in the form you're expecting, but it seems to be coming our way, nonetheless, from the oddest sources.
People like to say, "I took the red pill," "I am fearless, I want to know the truth."
Yet, when confronted with the ugliness that could very well be the truth some-
times, they suddenly go into denial, and those telling them that truth are "liars,"
conspiracy theorists, nutjobs. It's easier to stay in the Matrix, eat the steak, drink
the wine, enjoy the sparkle of the gilded cage, the softness of the velvet chains.
the wine, enjoy the sparkle of the gilded cage, the softness of the velvet chains.
Anya's (Alleged) File Information
Her Majesty’s Directorate of Military Intelligence
Sector 8 – Off World and Temporal Ops
Anya Briggs is a remote viewer, psychic, memory dump/courier B-9, Class C3e assassin, Level Orange Dominatrix, Delta-7 Hybrid Breeder, Alpha-Bravo Genome Chimera with Procyon DNA.
Sexual Complications in Ops
Max Spiers, Stewert Swerdlow, Duncan Cameron, Duncan O’Finioan, Cathy Jones, Robert McNamara, Dan Challon, Bill Clinton, Henry Deacon.
Monarch Training
Ritual Reorientation
Peasemore, Hero, 29 Palms, Ozarks P/38874a, Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio. Caged confinement, reptoid sexual slavery, screaming man and burning dog. Category Cheeky Girl.
Milab History
Picked up 7 times between 1995-2003 by Casbolt, McCollum, Richards, Burns.
Sexual Orientation
# of Eggs Incubated with ET DNA
# of Clones
Active: 2. On ice: 700.
Psychic Grid Rating
Previously Section C of North America. Removed from Grid by John Barclay due to instability of connection.
Extraterrestrial Benefits
Known by Procyons and Pleiadeans.
Complication Summary
Briggs became unstuck in time working at Montauk (Camp Hero) under the supervision of Preston Nichols, Donald Rumsfeld, and Stewart Swerdlow. A botched jump room mission to the White House 1950s caused President Truman to see Briggs in the Oval Office, altering several timelines that other agencies had to fix (see ONI and NSA Files 77621 and 09981, attached). Gizeh Intelligence was direct cause of time endangerment. Basiago and Mendez sent to retrieve Briggs. A battle with unknown factions of the Orion Consortium ensued; however, there was no doubt as to the Gizeh and Draco connection. Damage to jump portal caused Briggs to become unstuck in time, jumping about the timelines and centuries randomly. Casbolt clones sent to track her down.
Two Casbolt clones lost in Greece c. 7000 BCE and pre-Odin era of 18,000 BCE. (See attached MI-6 EU33-2 Report on Norway Archeological Site #3-WW7330 Inventory List, crude painting of the god Thor that resembles Casbolt, possibly the clone remained in the era and situated himself as a demi-god among the people there). Briggs was found in 65,000 BCE, Hyperbolan tribal cultures, what is now Florida but was in Northern Hemisphere before Earth Axis Change 13,050 BCE. Preston Nichols designed a super computer (60 Gigaflops memory capacity) using reverse engineered Mantis tech to be inserted into Briggs’ molar and act as a “time anchor,” i.e., the computer calculates where Briggs may spontaneously time jump and re-adjusts temporal flux around her body.
Problem #1
The time anchor has become unstable. It is powered by a mini nuclear reactor that is in danger of melting down. This reactor has garnered the attention of certain factions, including the Gizeh Intelligence, Orion Consortium, Rothschilds Banking Clan, and the Knights Templars West Coast. One needs to entertain the dangers should any of these factions get their hands on the anchor.
Problem #2
Gizeh Intelligence began taking control of Briggs’ body in 2012 and her mind in January 2013. She has become their go-girl. She in is denial about this, publicly. NRO and NSA assesses she knows she is “a puppet on the Gizeh string.”
Problem #3
Should the time anchor go into nuclear meltdown, factions such as the Gizeh or Templars could situate Briggs anywhere on or off planet and use her as a walking suitcase nuke. “Dirty bomb” applies several ways here.
Problem #4
Not only is Briggs under Gizeh mind control, she is also psychologically and emotionally unstable from radiation poisoning of the time anchor reactor and tampering with prescribed medications.
Problem #5
Her former handler and programmer, Stewert Swerdlow, keeps a close eye on her still and pulls a lot of strings in MK and Hero’s Welcome. See SWERD 13-9953 UPLOAD that shows Briggs teleported to Mars last February while in alter, at the behest of Swerdlow and Ed Dames.
Problem #6
Briggs subconsciously maintains guilt from a botched avatar mission during the Diamond Spider Wars. Acting as communications officer, her platoon (which included Rink, Casbolt and Spiers in hybrid reptoid-human-grey solider avatars) was terminated violently on the moon Iapetus due to her inability to focus because the time slipping around her actual earth body was affecting her avatar body. The platoon members suffered residual death affects that caused nightmares and an inability to eat food, as the avatars were eaten alive by the Diamond Spiders over a period of days.
While Briggs still remains an asset for covert MKUltra missions stemming from other timelines, the interdimensional war and events she was involved with that the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6 are not aware of, she is no longer viable or valuable for time jumps, assassinations, or ritual sex parties as Head Domme. While re realise that her psychological instability originally stems from MKUltra Ritual Abuse (Level 3) and mind scrambling from less-than-cheeky time jaunts, to “fix those pipes” would require excessive resources.
Inactive Status, Complete Removal from Monarch Backdrop and Grid Reboot. Termination not recommended because Briggs can be used as a double agent with the Gizeh to pass along disinfo (of course, they could do the same to us). Briggs still useful for MI-7 and MI-8 ops (with NSA approval Yankee Zulu Boss 10) to train new female ops as assets and call girls and help logistics for Afghan heroin corridor into New York and New Jersey. She has become somewhat useful in having her pass along false info to “clients” of her psychic business that MI 5 thru 9 and the NSA have interest in steering down the left hand path.
Briggs unstable psychological profile (see DDE-A form submitted by CIA observer “Shawn”) could make her activate time anchor reactor should she become aware of milab situations or even want to take out as many people around her as possible. Limitations call for further psych eval from MI-12 and Water Company technicians for special appoint pipe-readjustment.
Source: http://supersoldiertalk.com/2013/05/28/orange-dominatrix/
Know This About Terrans
Psssst. Hey, Bad Guys. Wanna' know a little secret?....
Terrans are not broken, just bent. Love is written in the scars on our hearts, as our hearts have been sufficiently scarred from life here. But where you've sown hatred among us, we can learn to love again, no problem, because it's what we do in our natural state. It's what you haven't learned how to do in yours, and maybe it's time you did for your own survival's sake.
Love is the mission in this dense, duality-themed hologram that is Sol III. Terrans are successful in that mission, albeit quite imperfectly (and despite being heavily "screwed with," by the way), yet nevertheless successful. So, regardless of your extremely desperate acts, ancient and current, you cannot, and will never deter that mission....ever. Ergo, you cannot, and will never "win."
When you think of Terrans, keep this little secret in mind, k? And tell a friend. Tell them all.
Terrans are not broken, just bent. Love is written in the scars on our hearts, as our hearts have been sufficiently scarred from life here. But where you've sown hatred among us, we can learn to love again, no problem, because it's what we do in our natural state. It's what you haven't learned how to do in yours, and maybe it's time you did for your own survival's sake.
Love is the mission in this dense, duality-themed hologram that is Sol III. Terrans are successful in that mission, albeit quite imperfectly (and despite being heavily "screwed with," by the way), yet nevertheless successful. So, regardless of your extremely desperate acts, ancient and current, you cannot, and will never deter that mission....ever. Ergo, you cannot, and will never "win."
When you think of Terrans, keep this little secret in mind, k? And tell a friend. Tell them all.
Big hugs & kisses,
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