Friday, December 27, 2013

The Masses REALLY Need Sunglasses

When you wake up in the morning and the light has hurt your head

The first thing you do when you get up out of bed

Is hit that street a-runnin' and tryin' to meet the masses

And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses!
Because it is one cattywampus world out there.
For serious.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Stephen Hawking, Rapper Extraordinaire

Despite his disability, Stephen totally owned Albert "MC Squared" Einstein in their
Epic Rap Battle, all the while playing Angry Birds on his 'puter, yo.   For serious!

More rap battles to come, after supper...

Friday, December 13, 2013

I Just Got to Be Free

Really, I do.   You have no idea.

On Civil Disobedience

But If Not 
Sermon delivered at the Ebenezer Baptist Church
Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1967

And I say to you this morning, that if you have never 
found something so dear and so precious to you that 
you will die for it, then you aren't fit to live.  God grant 
that we will never bow before the gods of evil.

We Will Not Serve Thy Gods

          There was a day when many of the Israelites found themselves in bondage in Babylon.  There was a king of Babylon by the name of Nebuchadnezzar, you read about him a good deal in the book of Daniel, and it stands as an epic that will remain stenciled on the mental sheets of unfolding generations.  Nebuchadnezzar was a mighty king, and when he ruled, he ruled and when he issued an order he meant business.  And Nebuchadnezzar issued an order.  He made a golden image and his order was that everybody under the reign of his kingship had to bow before that golden image and worship it.  Now those of you who read the Bible remember that story.  One day Nebuchadnezzar called in the judges and the governors and the sheriffs, and they had a dedicatory service for this golden image, and then he said to them, "I'm instructing you to see that everybody bows before this golden image."

          But there were three young men around there.  One's name was Shadrach, the other one's name was Meshach, and the other name was Abednego.  And they answered--and I read it from the scripture--and said to the king "O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this manner.  If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.  But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up."  Now I want you to notice first, here, that these young men practiced civil disobedience.  Civil disobedience is the refusal to abide by an order of the government or of the state or even of the court that your conscience tells you is unjust.  Civil disobedience is based on a commitment to conscience.  In other words, one who practices civil disobedience is obedient to what he considers a higher law. And there comes a time when a moral man can't obey a law which his conscience tells him is unjust.

"O king, we will not serve thy gods, nor
worship the golden image which thou hast set up."

Moral Law of the Universe

          And I tell you this morning, my friends, that history has moved on, and great moments have often come forth because there were those individuals, in every age in and every generation, who were willing to say, "I will be obedient to a higher law."  These men were saying, "I must be disobedient to a king in order to be obedient to The King."  And those people who so often criticize those of us who come to those moments when we must practice civil disobedience never remember that even right here in America, in order to get free from the oppression and the colonialism of the British Empire, our nation practiced civil disobedience.  For what represented civil disobedience more than the Boston Tea Party?  And never forget that everything that Hitler did in Germany was legal.  It was "legal" to do everything that Hitler did to the Jews.  It was a law in Germany that Hitler issued himself that it was wrong and illegal to aid and comfort a Jew in Hitler's Germany...but I tell you, if I had lived in Hitler's Germany, with my attitude, I would have openly broken that law.  I would have practiced civil disobedience.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Just Say No to Photobombing Sharks

"Smile, then bite."

Troubled Terra

They spun a web for us.  But alas, waking up is hard to do, isn't it. 
Terra, you'll never know what hit you when it hits.  It's just as well.
Enjoy the beautiful nightmare you've mistaken for a sweet dream.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Rewire Your Brain to ENJOY Sobriety

Adopted from "Enjoy Sobriety," 
by Rick Hanson, Ph.D., neuro-
psychologist and author

"Sober traits are grown in your brain by actually
installing sober states. If you don't register your
positive them sink in...then there's improvement in neural structure or func-
tion, and thus no lasting benefit."   --Rick Hanson

          By "sobriety," I mean healthy self-control, a centered enjoyment of life, and an inner freedom from "drivenness."  We typically apply this sense of balance and self-care to things like food, drugs and alcohol, sexuality, money, and risky behaviors. And if you like, you could bring sobriety to other things as well, such as to righteousness, contentiousness, over-working, or controlling others.

          At bottom, sobriety is the opposite of craving, broadly defined: you're not going to war with what's unpleasant, chasing after what's pleasant, or clinging to what's heartfelt.  You might think of sobriety as a kind of loss, but it's actually fueled by a sense of gain. Sure, there's a place for using your will.  But studies show that willpower gets depleted fairly quickly in most people.  Instead of willing yourself to avoid the bad, enjoying the good - the benefits of your sobriety - will naturally draw you in a higher direction.

  • Set yourself up to succeed. Do what you can to take care of your deeper needs so you feel less driven to distract yourself, numb out, or get high.  
  • Reduce temptations. If you're trying to stop drinking, don't have alcohol in your home. 
  • Get support from an honest conversation with your partner to a 12-step program (or secular alternatives) and/or counseling.
  • Don't underestimate the power of craving.  If you've tried to change in the past and not succeeded, recognize that you'll need to increase your inner and outer resources for sobriety to have a different result this time around.

Help the Experience "Sink In"

          As they say in Tibet: If you take care of the minutes, the years will take care of themselves. Take it a minute at a time, a day at a time. When you have a chance to enjoy your sobriety, really help the experience sink in, which will gradually incline your mind and brain toward the high road instead of the low one.  Sober traits are grown in your brain by actually installing sober states. If you don't register your positive states -if you don't take the dozen seconds or so to help them sink in- they make little or no difference to your brain: then there's no learning, no improvement in neural structure or function, and thus no lasting benefit (for more on this, see Hardwiring Happiness).

          So, to support and maintain your sobriety, enjoy and really take in its benefits.  At the start of a day, an evening, or even a minute, commit to and enjoy the anticipated positive results of sobriety.  While you are being sober in some way, enjoy the results.  After being sober, looking back, take in the sense of its benefits.

  • Enjoy the bliss of blamelessness. The feeling that there is nothing to be ashamed of, that you are taking an honorable path. The knowledge that you are putting distance every day between yourself and problematic past behaviors. Enjoy the sense of worth, of self-respect.
  • Enjoy the pleasures of a clear mind and a healthy body. Be glad about not putting toxins - the source of the word, intoxication - into your body and mind. Feel good about the gift you are giving your future self.
  • Enjoy the results in your relationships. Enjoy not feeling embarrassed the day after, or hung-over, or tired because you stayed up too late. Savor the respect of others. Be glad you avoided needless quarrels. Feel good about not harming others. Be glad you've cleared the field so you can focus on getting your wants met in the relationship.
  • Enjoy learning how to manage stress and have fun in more wholesome, psychologically mature ways.
  • Enjoy the freedom in not being compelled to drink, etc. The pleasure in feeling in charge of your own actions, mind, and life.
  • Enjoy the opportunity to learn about desire by not fulfilling it. Be more realistic about the actual rewards of indulging desires; enjoy waking up from the spells cast -Drink this! Smoke that! Eat these!- by addictive hungers.

          Enjoy how sobriety supports your practices in the upper reaches of human potential, including in spiritual life.  Most deeply, enjoy relating to the world and to your life not gripped at the throat by desire.  Enjoy the inner peace that comes from not being compelled to do things that may feel good in the moment but have big lingering costs for you and others.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Bankster Bacon

"Piggery," by Belinda Berger
Amusing is that greed-driven, mad dash they do to be Boss Hog, the 
one that's oiled the blind machinery of the American Dream for so long. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Meditation Retreat Hacks

Cultivating Your Inner Monk
...the Smart Way

          Nothing like focusing your energies at a meditation retreat, whether for one day, one month, or what have you.  It's a great way to recharge your spiritual batteries, no matter how many years you've been meditating.

          I often see tips on the internet for getting the most out of the spiritual aspect of the retreat experience.  But rarely do I see helpful advice for dealing with the more, shall we say, earthy aspects of the experience, simple ways to avoid easily-avoidable inconveniences.  After all, when your body is free of distracting discomforts, your mind is freer to relax and meditate.  So, here are some things that may help you better enjoy your meditation retreat, and to a certain extent, help people around you better enjoy theirs, too.

Manage Your Methane

That pesky methane molecule, 
bane of meditators everywhere!
         Yep, I'm gonna' go there.  [sigh]  OK, I'm glad to finally get this off my chest.  For the past few years, I've been meaning to blog about this issue, but I always forget.  Seriously.  I don't usually beg, but please, if you know need it, for the love of all humanity, pack some Bean-o or other gas relieving product in your suitcase...and remember to use it at the retreat.  There ain't enough Buddha Dharma Love in the world for anyone to have to tolerate your "outs" during their otherwise-blissful meditation sessions.

          You will be eating lots of methane-producing beans (the "magical fruit"), as well as vegetables for the duration of your stay.  Unless your body is already well-acclimated to a vegetarian or vegan diet, and you have learned to artfully master the management of your methane, you need to make plans for this.  If you don't, no matter how meek and nice people seem at these things, inwardly they'll think of you as a thoughtless barbarian when they see you coming.  I can't help but make up names in my mind for such folk and allow myself to laugh under my breath to decompress from my disgust: "Oh boy, there's Freddy Fartsalot,"  "Here comes Silent-But-Deadly Girl --does she really think we don't know it's her?"  I know, I have to work on my sardonicism issues.  But, just...yeah.

          Maybe you didn't already know that most meditation retreats follow the traditional Asian tendency to serve vegetarian food.  Or, maybe you're a retreat veteran and already know this, but you've been forgetting to, um, "prepare" properly in the past.  Either way, consider this a  friendly reminder.

Love Yourself with 
Lower Back Care

          The other issue on my mind is managing insidious lower back pain.  Oh, that all meditation retreats had back massages as part of the program, mmmmm.  Most, however, view bodily pain, unless it's a medical issue, as a dandy time for one to practice one's equanimous-mind-over-matter skills.

          "All painful and pleasurable sensations are 'impermanent,' after all, so just suck it up" is the thinking.  Yeah, whatever.  Call me whacky, but I don't see how self-torture is a necessary ingredient for "enlightenment."  I say, take good care of your back and it will take good care of you.  Here are some things that have worked for me:

Ibuprofen.  Pack a bottle of ibuprofen, and pop a few fifteen minutes or so before every lonnng meditation session.  Take enough to last the entire session because it's toward the last few minutes of the sitting that you'll be in the most excruciating pain.

Hot Showers.  Take a hot shower before the sitting (if possible, around 15 minutes beforehand), turning your back to the showerhead and aiming the hottest water you could stand at your lower back for 5-10 minutes.  If you share shower facilities with several others (who might have the same idea as you do, lol), it may be tricky to swing this, but it's worth a shot.

Heating Pad.  At the last retreat I attended, I was glad to see I wasn't the only one who packed a heating pad.  This one person brought one of those pads that require hot water, so she had to keep heating water in an electronic hot pot.  I knew beforehand that all the beds had electrical outlets next to them, so I had brought an electronic heating pad.  The essential oil she put in the water smelled really good, though.

Meditation Bench.  If you choose to meditate on the floor, you will have to try all manner of cushions and/or benches until you arrive at what works for you.  Personally, I like meditation benches because they lift the body's weight off the legs (no numb "pins and needles legs" afterward).

The rounded bottom design of the bench at right allows one to ever-so-slightly adjust one's angle from time to time, easing tension on the spine and hips (and be sure to buy a bench with some padding on the seat).

Gentle Stretching.  Try to do some stretching before a sitting, and afterward, if possible.  I find that the yoga posture halasana, "the plow," makes more blood circulate in the lower back area, and feels wonderful [caution: I don't suggest doing inversions like this if you have any cardio-vascular or eye  problems, nor immediately after a hot shower even if you don't have any cardio-vascular may make your chest hurt, or worse].  A low lunge is great counter-pose for the plow (every yoga pose needs a counter pose, to balance the muscles).  The lunge is also a good way to stretch, or "open" the inner hip, which also tenses up from sitting.

Well, hope these suggestions help.  Happy meditating!  :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Freedom of the Press

News reporters and politicians, mind-controlled 
talking heads of the Matrix Clown Show, once 
in while glitching in their programming, like
 thisand this, or like thisand  theseand this
...yeah, it can get pretty disturbing sometimes.
Here's why this happens.

          John Swinton, editor of the New York Tribune in the 1880s, is known to have said at a banquet of his fellow editors:

          "There is no such thing in America as an independent press, unless it is in the country towns.  You know it and I know it.  There is not one of you who dares to writes (sic) his honest opinions, and if you did you know beforehand that it would never appear in print.

          I am paid one hundred and fifty dollars a week for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper I am connected with  –others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things–  and any of you who would be so foolish as to write his honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job.

          The business of the New York journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon, and to sell his race and his country for his daily bread.  You know this and I know it...and what folly is this to be toasting an 'Independent Press'?!

          We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.  We are the jumping-jacks; they pull the strings and we dance.  Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men.  We are intellectual prostitutes."

          And thus spake the Oblahma clone to this esteemed conference of well-dressed, keenly-educated and fine-smelling intellectual prostitutes:

Good afternoon.  Uh, blah.  Blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah.  HOWEVER, uh, blah, blah, blah, and uh....blah, and blah, blah. THEREFORE, blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah.  IN CLOSING, blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah, blah.. And, uh...blah.  Thank you.  I'll take your questions now... 

          And they take notes on this nonsense and submit it as lamestream news --dutiful little mama birds regurgitating worms for the eager consumption of we, the hungry birdie masses.   We lap it all up every drop, day after excruciating day, 'cause we want to stay "well-informed."  Nope, absolutely nothing's changed since your day, Mr. Swinton.  The tools, vassals and jumping jacks still do the same dance, and we clap our hands to the beat.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Panem et Circenses

          I've lost my family and mates to pigskin-itis once again, a longstanding, epidemic addiction here on the U.S.A. Corporation's vast land holdings (humorously known as, "states").

          This means that if I disappear on a 5th dimensional Andromedan biosphere for the next three months hanging out with telepathic, plant-pellet-eating, blue people, then come back promptly the day after Superbowl one would notice the difference.

Eh, meat is overrated, long, sucka's!


Friday, October 4, 2013

We Are Fa-mi-ly

Photoshopped prank-pics are one thing.

Actual bloodlines are another thing,
in fact, they're everything to some.

Just ask Brother Barry, he knows.
Ha, isn't this rich, isn't it queer?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

They Walked Openly Among Us, Once.

They still walk among us, less openly though, for various reasons.
Just like us, some are loving and benevolent, some cold and
indifferent, and some downright evil.   Just like us.

Break's Over

"...hahaha, just joshing, chaps!  We've always had 'em by the Feder-
al Reserve, haven't we?!  Hehe, look at 'em now, runnin' 'round like 
sheep that've lost their way...hehe, 'Oh no, our little puppet govern-ment's been shut down,' hehehe, 'oh what shall we do, what shall we 
do?'  Boo-bloody-hoo, bwahahaha!!!  Eh. [sigh] Hehe. Mmm. Well. 
Right. (ahem) Back to work.  Break's over.  Now, where were we?..."

--Queen Elizabeth at the end
of a lunch break recently 

Mizz Henny Penny says,
"Bamboozled redux, sucka's!"

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

False Flag Operation

Open your eyes.  See the Oz behind the holograms,
and there will be holograms a-plenty soon, trust me.
Have eyes to see and ears to hear the Puppetmasters.
Above all, let go of hubris. You are not your things,
 you never were. That was all just part of Oz's illu-
sions.  You bought into them.  Now, buy out of them.

Mojo Workin'

"Good girl, monkey paw, good girl."

Friday, September 13, 2013

Matrix 101 for Dummies

          "There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity.

          Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over ignorance.

          Knowledge is the key to unlocking our potential. It gives us the self-​determination, responsibility, and power necessary to cast off the chains of covert oppression. Knowledge is therefore the greatest protector, for it also gives us foresight to impeccably handle the challenges of life and, most importantly, to sidestep the traps on the path to awakening. The more you know of higher truths and apply what you know, the more you begin operating under higher laws that transcend the limitations of the lower."
--Tom Montalk


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Come on People, We Can DO This!

You know, one fine day, after Disclosure, we'll all be sittin' 
around FEMA camp fireshand in hand with our dear Space 
Brothers, singin' happy songs.  They had me sold at free wi-fi 
...but I'm still goin' for that $100 day pass!  How 'bout you?   

 "Uh, listen.  OK.  Now, I'm a puppet.  And, uh, you're all 
puppets.  And this is, uh, this is just what puppets do.  Now, 
ahem, remember.  You all signed up for this, uh, from
 the beginning, from the very beginning.  Don't forget that, OK?"

Translation from Arabic: "Not only is mine bigger than yours, 
but mine is the biggest of ALL, bwahahaha!"   Yep, war always 
brings out the best in all men everywhere, and I'm always more 
impressed than I could possibly say.  So, come on everybody... 
Let's Kickstart WWIII

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Every Move You Make...

Smart chotchkies, ever smarter

creating dumb humans, ever dumber

and dumber, and dumber, and yet dumber still.

"...and I'm listening to you, too.  :)"

          Feel that?  Aaahh, that's the stellar winds, they are a-blowin,' aren't they.  But really, Snowden, Binney, and other paid shills are just distractions, chatty little tips of the same planet-sized iceberg, spreading just enough tasty chicken feed to properly pre-condition us to the true reality of the prison planet on which we've been blissfully living, softening the blow, as it were.  The rabbit hole goes much deeper than their scripts allow them to say, however, just ask the implants uploading your vitals stats and inner thoughts to surveillance satellites right now.

          But, hey, maybe you could "white-light" this all away, positive thinking, and all that. Isn't this how the Law of Attraction works?  "If I wish real hard, this'll all just disappear."  Or, maybe a hero will come to save the day --the Ashtar Command, or the Galactic Federation, or Jesus and His Heavenly Band of Angels.  Maybe they will swoop down to save you and yours.  All endings are happy, right?  Isn't that The American Way?  I hear there's an app for that, or at least a "Happily Ever After" plug-in.

          Well, I didn't mean to interrupt your Facebook session --better go "check in" and let everyone in the world know where you're at the moment, who you're talking to, what you're eating, basically ...every move you make.

Truth can be stranger than fiction, or in this case, than a satirical skit by 
The Onion.  You see, the problem has always been that we Terrans tend 
to take the myriad illusions of the Matrix seriouslywhile taking what is 
fatally serious as a big joke ...or worse yet, as pleasant entertainment  

There's no such thing as a "secure" line, no secure anything.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

"Before Your Milab-Experience-Awareness, Chop Wood, Carry Water...

After your milab-experience-awareness, chop wood, carry water."

That's The New Zen, you see ...for some, at least.

Stay on your cushion, whatever 
you do.  Better to calmly levitate
down the rabbit hole, than stum-
ble and roll around willy nilly.

Once in a while, grounded, drama-less voices in the milab community come 
along, and actually have helpful, insightful things to say.  This "panel discus-
sion" is evidence that it can happen ...sans sensationalism, sans mud-slinging,
 sans any other generally annoying nonsense ...once in a while.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

For Every Goliath, There's a David...Somewhere

Breathe deeply, settle yourself.
Focus, aim carefully.
Then, take the killshot 

...and hack the Matrix around you!!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Truth Hurts

To "M." and the gang:

Well, what do you know?  Pictures really do speak a thousand words --thousands, I should say.

Hmm.  Let's see...
No, I wasn't making it up, after all.
Yes, these are times of high strangeness.
No, I won't say I told you so, but
Yes, I will be thinkin' it (hehe)
No, there's no where to run, no where to hide.
Yes, you just have to face it, fearlessly, until there's a better solution.  But here's a clue: one can't fight a war when the troops are asleep (and if you know how that's done, now's the time to speak up).

Well, take no prisoners, though there are others who certainly will/are.  And such is the state of things, my friend.  Such is the state of things.

"Cassandra Complex" my tail feathers.  
Sometimes I wish I weren't right
...and this is one of those times.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Seeing Double

North Carolina

New Jersey

News report, China

Las Vegas 

Detail of Las Vegas photo, above

...and no, they aren't 'shopped, nor are they "sun dog" pics, like this one:


Friday, August 23, 2013

Transhumanism Made Sexy & Cool

          An ever-popular New World Order poster boy, Usher.  Contact the governmental agency near you to sign up for their latest genetic engineering/cyborgization program, 'cause slavery never looked so good, and "ascended machine tech" guys get all the chicks!  Er,could be a problem if one of your clones came to assassinate you, though.  Meh, more "Smart" chotchkies to render yet dumber Terrans

...all one day beholden to A.I., which is the point of all this, why it's done.

          OK, get back to your video game now, didn't mean to interrupt.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

A Moving Meditation

Good to do before starting your meditation session, to release tension from
your body.  Movements are taken from various practices, such as Chigong, etc.  
They stimulate key meridian points that facilitate the ability to sit for a long time.
Also good to do during breaks at work, between school study sessions, etc.  


Saturday, August 17, 2013

There HAS to Be...


Invisible Sun

I don't want to spend the rest of my life
Looking at the barrel of an Armalite
I don't want to spend the rest of my days
Keeping out of trouble like a soldier say

I don't want to spend my time in hell
Looking at the walls of a prison cell
I don't ever want to play the part
Of a statistic on a government chart

          There has to be an invisible Sun
          That gives Its heat to everyone
          There has to be an invisible Sun
          That gives us hope when the whole day's done

It's dark all day and it glows all night
Factory smoke and acetylene light
I face the day with me head caved in
Looking like something that the cat brought in

          There has to be an invisible Sun
          That gives Its heat to everyone
          There has to be an invisible Sun
          That gives us hope when the whole day's done

And they're only going to change this place
By killing everybody in the human race
They would kill me for a cigarette
But I don't even wanna die just yet

          There has to be an invisible Sun
          That gives Its heat to everyone
          There has to be an invisible Sun
          That gives us hope when the whole day's done

There just has to be.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Farm, The Farmers and the Farmed

Warning:  This video includes disturbing images of violence to humans and 
other animals.  If  that offends you, don't watch this video.  I thought the
overall message of it is a very important one, so I posted the video as it is. 


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Eine Kleine Cross-Mojination, Baby

Mojo so lethal it's classified as weapons-grade by the shadow government.

          So, one day, Anya Briggs (codename "Vanessa") and James Casbolt/Michael Prince (codename "Austin") were assigned to squelch a mass assassination plot involving a half dozen assassin clones of James' lovely wife, Haley, hidden away in a D.U.M.B. on Mars.

          Before taking out the clones, cheeky James Michael thought he'd have a bit of fun with them, since he had a spare moment, and all.

          But, Briggs, Max Spiers and Dave Morrow happened to catch Commander Prince "on the job," as it were.  And so, this became yet another legendary tale in the oft-humorous annals of black ops lore. 

          (sorry guys, I just couldn't help myself)


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rock 'n' Roll Disclosure

"Before we existed the cloning began, the cloning of man and woman.
When we're gone they'll live on, cloned endlessly."

My Clone Sleeps Alone

You know and I know my clone sleeps alone
She's out on her own forever
She's programmed to work hard she's never profane
She won't go insane not ever

No V.D. no cancer on TV's the answer
No father no mother she's just like the other
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone

Your clone loves my clone but yours cannot see
That's no way to be in heaven
No sorrow no heartache just clone harmony
So obviously it's heaven

No naughty clone ladies allowed in The Eighties
No bed names, no sex games, just clone names, and clone games
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone

Before we existed the cloning began
The cloning of man and woman
When we're gone they'll live on, cloned endlessly
It's mandatory in heaven

But they won't remember or ever be tender
No loving no caring no program for pairing
No V.D. no cancer on TV's the answer
No father no mother, she's just like the other!

No naughty clone ladies allowed in The Eighties
And you know and I know my clone sleeps alone
My clone sleeps alone
My clone sleeps alone


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Give Love, Because...

"The love you withhold, is the pain you will carry, lifetime after lifetime."

  --Vasais, Andromedan friend of Terran
contactee/activist, "Alex Collier"


Monday, July 22, 2013

Bodies in a Deep Black Lake

We come from the future
Beyond the shores of a deep black lake.
To end the reign of the Demiurge
And release the light of a billion souls.

Break into the continuum,
Through the maws of Cronus we infiltrate.
Liberate our brothers who’ve fallen asleep
In the depths of a deep black hole.

They smile in false sunlight, everything’s okay…
But little did they know their bodies were lying
At the bottom of a deep black lake.

Quarantined from eternity,
They slumber bound by the chains of fate.
Entombed in illusion, confusion, and pain
Dead men dreaming they’re wide awake.

Into the realm of oblivion,
Beneath the waters of a deep black lake
They spiral round and around to the sound
Of a black cathedral’s cursed refrain.

How many fears must we overcome,
Before we awaken from delirium?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Send in the Clones

Don't you love a farce?
But where are the clones?
Send in the clones.
Don't bother ....they're here.
Isn't it rich, isn't it queer?

Clones pictured clockwise from left: Bush, Sr.,
Obama, Bush, Jr., Clinton, and Carter.
Just one big, happy family.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Let's Go to Mars!

'Cause it's all good!


To get your ticket, call This Man!
Hurry, supplies limited (80,000).

Oh, and one more thing,
watch this before you go,
respectfully submitted
for your perusal:
To Serve Man

And don't forget to pack your condiments.
They'll taste great on you when you get there!

Bon voyage, sucka's!!!


Thursday, July 11, 2013


A planet beautiful, but a planet imperiled.  To end PROJECT 
BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE, Terrans first have to believe the 
project exists and is in full effect, they have to see through its 
Matrix..and learn how to hack it!  Otherwise, Terra won't 
be the first planet destroyed thus, and by no means the last.

A Sweet Dream...of Techno-slavery

          Naw man, Voltaire ain't just "difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."  Dude, it's freakin' impossible.  I don't even try anymore.  I can't compete.  Where else could you find such a beautifully-terraformed, ancient planet like this where slavery is so... pleasant?  Somebody pinch me.  I mean, on what other planet out there is such an elegantly-designed Matrix undetectably scaffolded around its inhabitants, like a fine spider web?  The little "copper tops" here simultaneously feed from and into that matrix, that soul-sucking, self-sustaining elegy of death disguised as a harmonious symphony of life.

The Perfect Lullaby  
          Where else have slaves lived with such seeming wealth at their disposal, enjoyed such a facade of liberty, and so many make-believe freedoms?  Where else in the Universe do slaves drive beautiful vehicles fueled by an antiquated substance, and in doing so perpetuate the very economic system that enslaves them?

          And they do this willingly, with as much apathy and ignorance as one could only imagine, as one could only dream.  For the enslavers, does it get any better than this?  I think not.  "Drive, fly, boat anywhere you want on your luscious Prison Planet.  We don't mind.  Do anything you need to do, Littlemen, to make your slavery that much more enticing, that much more enjoyable.  Keep dreaming that sweet dream." 

"I'm going out of my head, lost in the fairy tale. Can you hold my hand and be my 
guide?"  = classic mind control programming lingo.  For an analysis of this 
song's hidden-in-plain-sight message about Beyonce's own beautiful nightmare life
with her handler, Jay-Z, click here:  Beyonce’s Sweet Dreams – Occult Mind Control

A Beautiful Nightmare, or
the Price of Life on Terra, Sol III

         Alex says we're considered "genetic royalty" by ...whomever.  Since when has royalty lived as spiritually-bereft paupers, never knowing anything else but want, from cradle to grave?  Give me a break.  It seems that this is just the beginning of the nightmare.  America's Southern slavery was just a test flight, Germany's Auschwitz, just a trial run.  We ain't seen nothing yet.  This time, slavery won't be based on race or religion, as those on planet Terra of times past.  This version will be based on one thing: being of the human genome, and that's it.  We're the prized cows of an intergalactic 4H Club.

          It's said that every form of refuge has its price.  Slaves suffer from lack of liberty and inhumane commoditization, and quiet as it's kept, we present-day Terrans unwittingly suffer from all those things, less-obviously than in times past.  We are couched in a sweet fiat dream of fiat wealth, of fiat freedom backed by nothing but hot air, and perpetuated by the easy lies of a corporate-controlled and suppressed puppet media.  We are living the beautiful nightmare of our imagined freedoms.

          The ever-present chains that bind us we can't see.  While staring at our iPhones, catching the latest episode of our favorite mind-numbing "programs" (think about that word, program; what does it mean to "program" something...or someone?), and while downing our favorite drugs of choice, legal and otherwise, we dissociate ourselves. Meanwhile, we suffer from cancer-causing microchips; insanity-causing synthetic telepathy and remote influencing; toxicity-causing chemtrails, water and food; and robotizing nanotechnologies.  Throw in round-the-clock audio and visual surveillance via a plethora of chotchkies, "smart" and otherwise, and you've got yourself a nightmare that some might say, perhaps, rivals that of both American and Jewish slaveries combined  --but with a nice, cushy exterior, of course.  We are as cows slaughtered daily by ranchers we don't want to see.

          Worst of all, is the blatant and effective attack on our children's minds and spirits.  Through a plethora of desensitizing movies, video games and gadgets, transhumanism is being made to seem sexy and cool.  These things are sugar-coated poisoned candy, the public relations arm of A.I.  Our toys are the most insulting, most insidious chains of our collective slavery.

          This is the price of life on Terra III.  This is the debt paid by withdrawals made unseen, taken from the banks our genetic "royalty," taken from our personal sovereignty as conscious beings, taken from the very life force energies of our bodies, our minds and our spirits.  We happily and ignorantly pay this price on Terra III, today at least ...will we change this in the future?

At what price, fame, Bey Bey?  Never mind, 
don't want to know.  Got enough beautiful 
nightmares of my own to contend with.

Apparently though, it all catches up sometimes.  


Turn the Lights Out!
'Cause Ignorance is Bliss

Living is easy with eyes closed, 
misunderstanding all you see.
Let me take you down 'cause I'm going to 
Strawberry Fields...nothing is real.

Don't say I didn't warn ya.'
          The harvest is coming.  It always does.  After millennia of careful cultivation, we could say the Ciakar are nothing else if not possessing a great work ethic.  We could say that much, and not much else, because when you say much else, you're a Henny Penny, you're suffering from a bad case of Cassandra Complex, you're a conspiracy theorist.

          So, those that have ears to hear, and eyes to see, know they should just feign deafness and blindness.  They know to keep silent.  It does no good to do otherwise.  They might sing their troubled thoughts away on Fruity Loops software, or write them away on fringe blog posts no one reads.  Daily, their mantra is, "When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around," and they do just that.  They know to let their loved ones enjoy, in peace, the wine and steak generously provided by the Matrix.  It does no good to do otherwise. 

          Meanwhile, game, set, match...the score won't be contested.  And, the chains will ever be revered.


To enjoy and maintain the trappings of the Matrix, governmental, religious 
and military leaders, in cohoots with banksters and other fine folk, over 
millennia, have sold their souls and, in the process, sold out Planet Terra.  
Game, set, match.  In the eyes of the enslavers, if a system ain't broke, 
what's there to fix?  For people like this guy, it remains a sweet dream.

Spirit Over Matter

We are more than mere animals, or machines...The problem is that we are...
intruders into the Matrix.  Spirit is a foreign substance that the Matrix and its 
antibodies are trying to neutralize.  Why?  Because Spirit represents everything 
that the Matrix is not...the only thing the Matrix cannot control nor understand.  
