I've learned that sometimes the questions you don't ask in a psychic reading provide you the answers you really
need. We don't notice some of the dynamics of a
situation when we're in the middle of it, especially something
stressful. Our own emotions can get in the way, and we
can't process our thoughts smoothly, nor pick up on intuitive information when it tries to get our attention. But, the message from Spirit will still get to us, one way or another.

I'll give you a couple examples of how I have seen this in play in other peoples' readings. In "Denisha's" (not her name) situation, the answer from Spirit was not the When, but the How. She wanted to know When "John" would return in her life again (which I sensed was a no-go, he was long gone and not returning).
I could barely hear her speaking due to the loudness of a noisy anger emanating from her energy (the anger actually had a sound to it, a "vibration"). And I was distracted by what clairvoyantly looked like a "score book" floating around her head. It wasn't a scorecard, it was a whole book, a ledger full of grudges and resentments she kept front-and-center in her mind regarding John. I intuited that she frequently reviewed every page of it, again and again, and that during their relationship, she sadistically enjoyed punishing John whenever she was right.
When I tuned into John's energy, who was not in attendance at the session, I sensed that he had endured a barrage of verbal abuse from Denisha. It started to disturb me, to be honest. This lady had an anger management problem. I was a little surprised because it's more common, I think, to see this dynamic the other way around: the male is commonly the oppressor, and the female the oppressed. When I honestly pointed out what I sensed, she did not deny it, but just sat there quietly, staring at the floor. Was she finally making the connection between her behavior and his reaction to it? Not quite yet.
John's lesson in his relationship with her had been how to set and enforce boundaries. Thankfully, he left this relationship. The energy I sensed from him was that he was "healed" by leaving, and had no intention of coming back. I saw his family members' energies heavily in his spirit. Though he didn't (in the beginning, at least), his relatives immediately saw her for what she was. The visual metaphor I got clairvoyantly was that they he finally "crossed a finish line" in a race, and they were "cheering him on." In other words, they supported his leaving this sick relationship, but it must have been quite a struggle for him. It felt as though Denisha missed having him as a whipping boy at her disposal, moreso than she actually missed the man himself. I had to snap myself out of their unhealthy, negative energy dynamic and come back into the present.
Denisha kept inquiring about the When of John's return. The message that How she treated him would prevent him from ever returning was not getting through. I decided it was time to end the reading session because, clearly, she wanted to hear what she wanted to hear. I had tenaciously kept turning her attention back to How she expressed (what she thought was) love, and How it affected John and all the other people in her life. But, I got tired of repeating myself, so I began pulling the plug on the session.
And I'm sure all this was not what she was expecting to hear the day she walked in for a reading with me. Perhaps she was accustomed to consulting with "fortune tellers," those who go along with what they sense you want to hear so you'll pay them. But I consider myself a consultant, and my understanding is that a client that sees me is interested in the big picture of his or her life, so that is always my focus.
Suddenly, however, it seemed like a light bulb came on in her head. She began to see the pattern. She shared that she had suffered abuses when young, and had adopted the approach somewhere along the way that controlling others was a guarantee of preventing future abuses. Today, however, she seemed to realize that that approach no longer served her, and that John's leaving woke her up to that. I shared with her my impression that perhaps working with a counselor or therapist was a next step she should consider. And to my surprise, she was in agreement.
I sensed that her
spirit friends wanted her to hear this message. Perhaps they had been trying to tell her this, but she needed a human conduit to say it before she would finally "get it." Often, I am just that --a conduit. Denisha got the message, finally, that if she didn't first work on herself, ANY relationship she pursued would fall into the same dysfunctional pattern again, and it would always result in her being left alone. I admired her for having the courage that day to take a look at her own issues and make the decision to deal with them. She said she appreciated my honesty, and became a returning client after that.
"Oliver" originally came in to inquire about the Where of the location he and his wife should move for their retirement, their nest now empty. They didn't care to be bothered with its upkeep any longer. As I tuned into the energy of the situation, however, to me it wasn't really about the Where, but the Why. There were some heavy emotions involved in that move, of which Oliver was completely unaware. He thought that the reluctance his wife showed regarding the move, was due to their not having decided on a location yet. To him, the problem was about logic, not emotion. And he couldn't understand Why she had a problem. So, he came in for a reading.
As we talked, I got a strong hit of emotion from his wife, who was not in attendance at the reading (but her energy was powerfully present in Oliver's energy field, naturally). Wow. It was as though someone died. Clairvoyantly, I perceived her spirit crying, deeply in mourning, which at first puzzled me because Oliver said they were both so happy about the move. Puzzled, I inquired as to whether there had been a recent death in the family, and there had not been. I intuited then that their move was literally a death of sorts to his wife, a very painful one. She had raised children in that house, old friends were in that area. The thought of leaving all that "killed" her inside. So, that was death I was picking up.
Believe it or not, Oliver was totally oblivious to any if this (some of you married ladies are probably saying now, "Oh no, I believe it." lol). He really had no idea his own wife felt that way. He was like, "If I'm happy then she's happy." I heard clairaudiently several things her soul was saying, and repeated them out loud to him. All the details made perfect sense to him, though they didn't to me, but I just repeated what I "heard." He was shocked that he hadn't realized the impact of the move would be so devastating to her, emotionally. Now, he understood.
Turns out, the Where of their moving was not really the question Oliver needed to ask me that day. It was more important that he understood the Why of his wife's feelings and behavior. I could see that with time and healing, she would feel up to being an active part of the decision-making process again, as it regarded the move, but not just yet. She needed to process the pain. I didn't advise on where I perceived they should move because I felt that once her feelings were heard and validated, I was certain that figuring out the Where of it would work itself out between the two of them. Building their new nest together would be a memorable joy they both shared, one of many more to come.
During reading sessions where I'm the client, I often don't even ask the reader the questions on my mind, at least not until later. Initially, I just sit there and listen. Often, a good reader will inadvertently answer questions I never even asked, and I'll get the answers I needed, whether or not they were the answers I wanted.
For this reason, even the most highly-paid, top psychics in the industry, still go running to their own trusted psychic readers whenever they have a big problem. I liken it to a surgeon who, no matter how good he is, won't try to operate on himself whenever he needs healing. Wisely, he entrusts that task into the hands of another surgeon.
This is not to say don't ask your reader any questions. This is just to suggest being open during your reading. Be open to hearing about dynamics you may not be consciously aware of (yet they are registering in your energy field, loudly and clearly!). Sometimes questions you don't ask actually lead to answers you need for your life. A reading session could go in a totally different direction than you expected, and you might be tempted to think, "This doesn't have anything to do with anything." Au contraire...
Stay open-minded, however. I've had countless readings done for me where I didn't "get it" at first. But later, the pieces fell together. Our most deeply-embedded issues are often the ones we can't see (or don't want to see). So, I've learned to file away intuitive information like this with an open mind, even if it's puzzling at first, because later on, it could be the very thing that truly heals a situation.

When It's Not the "When," but the "How"
I could barely hear her speaking due to the loudness of a noisy anger emanating from her energy (the anger actually had a sound to it, a "vibration"). And I was distracted by what clairvoyantly looked like a "score book" floating around her head. It wasn't a scorecard, it was a whole book, a ledger full of grudges and resentments she kept front-and-center in her mind regarding John. I intuited that she frequently reviewed every page of it, again and again, and that during their relationship, she sadistically enjoyed punishing John whenever she was right.
When I tuned into John's energy, who was not in attendance at the session, I sensed that he had endured a barrage of verbal abuse from Denisha. It started to disturb me, to be honest. This lady had an anger management problem. I was a little surprised because it's more common, I think, to see this dynamic the other way around: the male is commonly the oppressor, and the female the oppressed. When I honestly pointed out what I sensed, she did not deny it, but just sat there quietly, staring at the floor. Was she finally making the connection between her behavior and his reaction to it? Not quite yet.
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Maybe the answer from the Universe Denisha needed to hear was that John was not going to be her whipping boy anymore, though that actually wasn't the question she asked. |
When It's Not the "Where," but the "Why"
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The Death card is seldom to be taken literally in a reading. We experience "death" on a daily basis in so many little ways throughout our lives. |
As we talked, I got a strong hit of emotion from his wife, who was not in attendance at the reading (but her energy was powerfully present in Oliver's energy field, naturally). Wow. It was as though someone died. Clairvoyantly, I perceived her spirit crying, deeply in mourning, which at first puzzled me because Oliver said they were both so happy about the move. Puzzled, I inquired as to whether there had been a recent death in the family, and there had not been. I intuited then that their move was literally a death of sorts to his wife, a very painful one. She had raised children in that house, old friends were in that area. The thought of leaving all that "killed" her inside. So, that was death I was picking up.

Turns out, the Where of their moving was not really the question Oliver needed to ask me that day. It was more important that he understood the Why of his wife's feelings and behavior. I could see that with time and healing, she would feel up to being an active part of the decision-making process again, as it regarded the move, but not just yet. She needed to process the pain. I didn't advise on where I perceived they should move because I felt that once her feelings were heard and validated, I was certain that figuring out the Where of it would work itself out between the two of them. Building their new nest together would be a memorable joy they both shared, one of many more to come.
Sometimes Without Seeking, Ye Still Find
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If you want a quick fix, find a spell caster or a fortune teller. If you want intuitive support on your life path, consult with me. |
For this reason, even the most highly-paid, top psychics in the industry, still go running to their own trusted psychic readers whenever they have a big problem. I liken it to a surgeon who, no matter how good he is, won't try to operate on himself whenever he needs healing. Wisely, he entrusts that task into the hands of another surgeon.
This is not to say don't ask your reader any questions. This is just to suggest being open during your reading. Be open to hearing about dynamics you may not be consciously aware of (yet they are registering in your energy field, loudly and clearly!). Sometimes questions you don't ask actually lead to answers you need for your life. A reading session could go in a totally different direction than you expected, and you might be tempted to think, "This doesn't have anything to do with anything." Au contraire...
Stay open-minded, however. I've had countless readings done for me where I didn't "get it" at first. But later, the pieces fell together. Our most deeply-embedded issues are often the ones we can't see (or don't want to see). So, I've learned to file away intuitive information like this with an open mind, even if it's puzzling at first, because later on, it could be the very thing that truly heals a situation.
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