Wednesday, August 15, 2012

In the Words of Will: A Solution to America's Food Problem

by Will Allen

"My vision is to have this world [where] everybody 
has access to good food.  It's something we should 
always be working on, so my work [exists] to
help make that happen."    --Will Allen

The State of Food in America

        Over the past century, we allowed our agriculture to become more and more industrialized, more and more reliant on unsustainable practices, and much more distant from the source to the consumer. We have allowed corn and soybeans, grown on the finest farmland in the world, to become industrial commodities rather than foodstuffs. We have encouraged a system by which most of the green vegetables we eat come from a few hundred square miles of irrigated semi-desert in California.

        We have to stop paying the largest farm subsidies to large growers of unsustainable and inedible crops like cotton. We have to stop paying huge subsidies to Big Corn, Big Soy and Big Chem to use prime farmland to grow fuel, plastics and fructose. We have to stop using federal and state agencies and institutions as taxpayer-funded research arms for the very practices that got us into this mess.

The Solution

        We have to start subsidizing health and well-being by rewarding sustainable practices in agriculture and assuring a safe, adequate and wholesome food supply to all our citizens. And we need to start this reform process now, as part of the national stimulus toward economic recovery.

        We need everyone at what I like to call the Good Food Revolution Table.  We need corporations. We need medical folks. Universities. Politicos. Planners. Educators.  Dieticians.  We need architects to design our new small farms and community food centers, and we need planners to design sustainable communities to transform food deserts into healthy neighborhoods for all the people. We need people with expertise in the areas of public policy. We need technical experts. Contractors. Composters.   And most importantly, we need our wonderful farmers.

About Growing Power, Inc.

Will was awarded an honorary doctorate
from his alma mater, the University of Miami,
for the founding and implementation of
Growing Power, Inc.
         Growing Power, Inc. was started in Milwaukee, WI, in 1993 by Will Allen, a 2008 winner of a MacArthur “Genius Award” who has long worked to produce and deliver healthy food to low-income communities. It is a national nonprofit organization and land trust supporting people from diverse backgrounds, and the environments in which they live, by helping to provide equal access to healthy, high-quality, safe and affordable food for people in all communities.

        Growing Power, Inc. implements this mission by providing hands-on training, on-the-ground demonstration, outreach and technical assistance through the development of Community Food Systems that help people grow, process, market and distribute food in a sustainable manner.



Growing Power, Inc. -  Main website

Growing Power Blog 

The Good Food Revolution
"It's an inspirational book ....[that] really
talks about how we could take good food 
and transform communities."  --Will Allen

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