"The lack of humility before nature displayed here staggers me...Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they COULD, they didn't stop to think if they SHOULD..."
--"Dr. Ian Malcom" character
from the movie, Jurassic Park
Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology co-authored by Nick Begich and Jeane Manning. |
If in fact, it has been used or will be used, for warfare applications (whether the warfare is economic or political), especially of the covert, massively destructive sort as implied by different sources, its users could be guilty of some of the most heinous crimes against humanity of record, that of unimaginable proportions, dwarfing even Nazi Germany's acts.
However, this advanced technology also seems to have the potential, if in good hands, to be used for health and healing of large portions of the Earth, both the environment and all its inhabitants, quickly and effectively...
"We also know there are other very specific frequencies [which HAARP is capable of transmitting] that are very different from the war games frequencies, which can enhance healing, which can accelerate natural healing in our bodies, which can alleviate our mood disorders, which can help us get over depression, anxiety and sleeplessness. The military has very different plans, and asks different questions, looking at the same system, than the scientists interested in medical issues, or healing the planet." --Dr. Beverly Rubik, biophysicist, [see video Holes in Heaven, below, @ 4 min 23 sec, segment 6/6]
I guess only time will tell where we go with this. Below are some videos which give some background.
Holes in Heaven? HAARP and Advances in Tesla Technology,
a program exploring the HAARP machine in depth. I believe this was filmed in 1998. Click beneath "Up Next" to watch each of the 6 segments.
a program exploring the HAARP machine in depth. I believe this was filmed in 1998. Click beneath "Up Next" to watch each of the 6 segments.
Note: To order a copy of this program,
narrated by actor Martin Sheen, click here:
narrated by actor Martin Sheen, click here:
A more detailed description of HAARP and its applications.
See also: The Latest HAARP Information
Quotes from Holes in Heaven:
Dr. Nick Begich, author, researcher, political activist:
"The weapons technologies are changing so dramatically at this particular time, it'd be like equating introduction of gun powder to the West, or the beginning of the atomic age [early in the 20th] century. That's what's happening in electromagnetic weapons technology today." [@ 8 min 15 sec, segment 3/6]
"We're about to embark on another arms race that's totally unnecessary. We're committing billions of dollars to this technology and the question becomes, where does it end?...Are we going to start that cycle again? Is it necessary to do that again?" [@ 3 min 28 sec, segment 6/6]
"So even though HAARP is small today [in 1998], every major weapons program was small in its infancy. It's just that we usually don't find out about them until 50 years later. In this case we're finding out at the beginning phase. And this is the time for people to pay attention, and look at this technology, and determine: is this the direction we really want to go, and is this really necessary right now?" [@ 3 min 59 sec, segment 6/6]
Dr. Beverly Rubik, biophysicist:
"It's interesting to compare humans and the Earth. The Earth has a magnetic field. Humans actually generate a magnetic field, too, especially in our hearts and brains. Every cell in our bodies has a powerful magnetic substance called magnetite, which responds sensitively to magnetic fields in our environment...If HAARP is altering the magnetosphere, which is the magnetic field of the Earth and all around it, surely this will have an effect on our health, and on our physiology." [@ 7 min 15 sec, segment 2/6]
"As living systems we're open systems, and we can't draw the line between where our boundary stops and where the boundary of the nonliving domain begins. The Earth is a living organism. It's not something that's really outside of us. It's really an intimate part of who we are. When we destroy it, we destroy ourselves." [@ 1min 48sec, segment 6/6]
Related Books:
HAARP - The Update: Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP
by Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla : HAARP - Chemtrails and Secret of Alternative 4
by Tim Swartz
Weather Warfare
by Jerry E. Smith
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