
I've never been one of those "angel people," never had a bunch of angel-this-and-that littering my world: angel wind chimes on the porch, angelic wallpaper on my desktop, gaudy angel t-shirts, angel posters on the wall...never been my thing, still isn't.
And I'd describe myself in a lot of ways, but angelic would probably not be at the top of the list. Not sure why, then, I felt compelled to buy Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards one day, other than mere curiosity –it seemed I had been seeing, feeling, communicating with and dreaming of them almost daily.
But, at that time there was no way I would have told anyone about this. I thought I was imagining these things. Initially, I filed these experiences away in my ever-growing mental file folder, "Yet Another Weird Thing in My Life." And that was that.
Some years ago, the box of oracle cards was inside a big box of metaphysical books and whatnot I had put in the garage. Every time I'd go into the garage looking for something else, I'd walk past the big box and hear what sounded like a bunch of little taps coming from inside the oracle cards box. It was as though miniature people were clamoring to get out of it. On one hand, it kind of made me giggle, on the other, I found it kind of creepy. Again, no way was I saying anything about this, so into "the file" it went.
Coincidentally, not long after the angels-tapping-on-the-box experience, I started doing psychic readings at a metaphysical
store. Don’t ask –the flukey way that all came together is another, long post in itself. Suffice it to say, and I emphasize, this is not the direction I had planned for my life, consciously.
But, it's cool, I thought. I have something of a high risk tolerance anyway, and I’m a good sport. I've always liked to see what’s going to happen next. So, I went along with all of this angel stuff, just to see where it would lead.
I hadn’t publically done readings before, and to tell the truth, I was skeptical and felt a little dumb. I knew nothing about connecting my personal angel experiences, with interpreting those and other energies for other people. I would learn later, and also advise others in similar situations, that these doubts are the ego speaking. It never wants to "look stupid," so it hates trying anything new. Listening to it can cheat us out of inner joy, and prevent us from living out our true soul purposes. With good reason, Buddhists call the noisy ego "monkey chatter," or the "stealing mind."
So, I hedged my bet on something deep inside where my true spirit is, not on my ego.
I went into this thing shooting first, asking questions later, taking no prisoners in between. I made mistakes, and still do. Yet, at the time I also felt an odd sense of reassurance, like I
was supported somehow. I reminded myself often of all the times I had asked the angels for
help, and they helped me, sometimes miraculously, and often not in the form in which I'd expected. But they were always there. They weren't ashamed of me, so I wasn't ashamed of them. Remembering these things helped quiet my monkey mind.
It pays to keep a journal and write about the miracles in your life (see The Catcher's Mit article). It also pays to be flexible and not attached to a certain outcome in life. To this day, I have a very hard time convincing clients of this.
Initially in my reading work, I only used the angel deck, since they
were so insistent and such. "Show me what you got, guys," was my attitude. I didn’t buy a tarot deck or other
divination tools at first. I’d introduce myself to customers
who’d come in, answer questions, help them with purchases, whatever. I’d make myself available for a reading, but I didn't push it. I didn't have a hard-sell vibe. That didn’t seem like the right approach for this
kind of thing.
Man, I hadn't expected the results I got. The angels were like, "Bring it, Elisa. Give us your best shot." I've learned since then that angels like being put to task. I thought people would think the subject was corny. I was prepared to do lots of ‘splainin,’ convincing clients that angels exist, etc. But one by one, from the first day I stepped into the store to begin work, the clients would just come in and get “angel card readings” from me, no 'splainin' necessary.
And the readings came easily. I didn't struggle. I’d merely glance at the cards and this whole “narrative” would unfold in my mind, image by image, thought by thought. I couldn’t get it out fast enough sometimes, the words so much slower than the speedy thoughts. A few readings lasted over an hour and a half, even two hours sometimes (good thing I took copious notes at that time, because I look back and wonder, just what did I have to say for two hours?!).
After a while, it became easy for me to describe the angels in peoples' lives, which angels worked with whom, how and why. This is because --I kid you not-- the angels themselves were in attendance during the readings! They either floated above the clients, or stood guardian-like against a nearby wall. Some clients had bright white streaks throughout their auras, to me a sure sign of strong angelic presence in their lives (these streaks are usually in the auras of people who also work with angels and do psychic readings).
Everybody's Got a Story
Now, all this was well and good, but what was even more amazing to me was how many clients related their own "angel stories" to me, some of which they’d never told anyone before (boy, did I know that feeling, hiding away in the angel closet, lol). It wasn’t just women, but females and males shared these stories --it isn't just a "chick thing."
Their levels of experience varied. Some people were extremely well-versed in working with angels, I mean, they had sophisticated approaches: they had their own code words they’d use with certain angels, or certain signs and symbols, etc. It was like their angels were part of their “team” in life, their posse, helping them get things done. Some people even carried cards in their wallets or purses portraying the angel they resonated with the most. This was usually the angel I sensed was "in attendance" at their reading. They would share these things with me after the reading, once they saw I wasn't going to laugh at them.
Many of them were like me: not
raised in a religious nor metaphysically-oriented home.
I'm thinking now that people like us might make for better
believers of new things because we
aren't preconditioned, we don’t have certain biases distracting us and clouding our minds. It's unfortunate
that people who have had bad experiences with religions, like Christianity
for example, are sometimes shut down regarding angelic beings.
This is ironic, considering angels existed long before the start of Christianity itself, or even the development of religion among humans in general. To miss out on experiencing the presence of these lovely beings in one's life is a loss. But it's my belief the angels never forget them, and work with them anyway, silently. They don't need "credit," don't need to jump up and down and say, "Hey, look at me, I'm helping you, 'cause I'm your angel and all."
Even more ironic ...as I'm writing this now I am listening to Doreen Virtue tell a story on her internet radio show about how she'd been at an airport recently, and a couple of guys asked her what she did for living. She was reluctant to tell them the truth and say she lectured and wrote about angels. How's that for synchronicity!
But she told the truth anyway, bracing herself for the ridicule she was sure would follow. To her pleasant surprise, first one guy began enthusiastically sharing his "angel miracle" stories. Then, the other chimed in with his stories. She was shocked. She said even now she's still surprised by how many people have angel stories to tell.
A Beautiful Ride
As my abilities developed, my work changed and I had to grow and change with it. I no longer wanted to be known as “the angel lady” (which is how the well-meaning store staff started introducing me), any more than I’d wanted to be known as the cat lady, or the plant lady. I disliked being pigeon-holed. I stopped advertising as an angel card reader, and billed myself as a "direct intuitive" --because ultimately, we all are exactly that.
Oracle cards, pendulums, and the like are
merely tools. We really don't need them. As a reader, you’ve either
got it, or you don’t, and we've all got it to varying degrees. And after a while using cards became tedious, because as I said, I couldn’t
get the words out fast enough, let alone have time to explain the meaning of a card spread.
Nevertheless, I know the angels are always with me, as then, so also now. And once in a while that same box, which now stays in my bedroom, starts clamoring again. I’ll pull a few cards, do some readings. It's like an inside joke between us, “See Elisa, you trusted us, and look what happened! Isn't it something?" Yes, even angels have a sense of humor. I gladly let them enjoy their little I-told-you-so moments because all in all, it’s been a very beautiful ride. Thank you, angels.
Angels in a Box

I've never been one of those "angel people," never had a bunch of angel-this-and-that littering my world: angel wind chimes on the porch, angelic wallpaper on my desktop, gaudy angel t-shirts, angel posters on the wall...never been my thing, still isn't.
And I'd describe myself in a lot of ways, but angelic would probably not be at the top of the list. Not sure why, then, I felt compelled to buy Doreen Virtue's Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards one day, other than mere curiosity –it seemed I had been seeing, feeling, communicating with and dreaming of them almost daily.
But, at that time there was no way I would have told anyone about this. I thought I was imagining these things. Initially, I filed these experiences away in my ever-growing mental file folder, "Yet Another Weird Thing in My Life." And that was that.
Some years ago, the box of oracle cards was inside a big box of metaphysical books and whatnot I had put in the garage. Every time I'd go into the garage looking for something else, I'd walk past the big box and hear what sounded like a bunch of little taps coming from inside the oracle cards box. It was as though miniature people were clamoring to get out of it. On one hand, it kind of made me giggle, on the other, I found it kind of creepy. Again, no way was I saying anything about this, so into "the file" it went.

But, it's cool, I thought. I have something of a high risk tolerance anyway, and I’m a good sport. I've always liked to see what’s going to happen next. So, I went along with all of this angel stuff, just to see where it would lead.
Shoot First, Ask Questions Later
I hadn’t publically done readings before, and to tell the truth, I was skeptical and felt a little dumb. I knew nothing about connecting my personal angel experiences, with interpreting those and other energies for other people. I would learn later, and also advise others in similar situations, that these doubts are the ego speaking. It never wants to "look stupid," so it hates trying anything new. Listening to it can cheat us out of inner joy, and prevent us from living out our true soul purposes. With good reason, Buddhists call the noisy ego "monkey chatter," or the "stealing mind."

It pays to keep a journal and write about the miracles in your life (see The Catcher's Mit article). It also pays to be flexible and not attached to a certain outcome in life. To this day, I have a very hard time convincing clients of this.
‘Splainin’ Necessary
Man, I hadn't expected the results I got. The angels were like, "Bring it, Elisa. Give us your best shot." I've learned since then that angels like being put to task. I thought people would think the subject was corny. I was prepared to do lots of ‘splainin,’ convincing clients that angels exist, etc. But one by one, from the first day I stepped into the store to begin work, the clients would just come in and get “angel card readings” from me, no 'splainin' necessary.
And the readings came easily. I didn't struggle. I’d merely glance at the cards and this whole “narrative” would unfold in my mind, image by image, thought by thought. I couldn’t get it out fast enough sometimes, the words so much slower than the speedy thoughts. A few readings lasted over an hour and a half, even two hours sometimes (good thing I took copious notes at that time, because I look back and wonder, just what did I have to say for two hours?!).

Everybody's Got a Story
Now, all this was well and good, but what was even more amazing to me was how many clients related their own "angel stories" to me, some of which they’d never told anyone before (boy, did I know that feeling, hiding away in the angel closet, lol). It wasn’t just women, but females and males shared these stories --it isn't just a "chick thing."
Their levels of experience varied. Some people were extremely well-versed in working with angels, I mean, they had sophisticated approaches: they had their own code words they’d use with certain angels, or certain signs and symbols, etc. It was like their angels were part of their “team” in life, their posse, helping them get things done. Some people even carried cards in their wallets or purses portraying the angel they resonated with the most. This was usually the angel I sensed was "in attendance" at their reading. They would share these things with me after the reading, once they saw I wasn't going to laugh at them.

This is ironic, considering angels existed long before the start of Christianity itself, or even the development of religion among humans in general. To miss out on experiencing the presence of these lovely beings in one's life is a loss. But it's my belief the angels never forget them, and work with them anyway, silently. They don't need "credit," don't need to jump up and down and say, "Hey, look at me, I'm helping you, 'cause I'm your angel and all."

But she told the truth anyway, bracing herself for the ridicule she was sure would follow. To her pleasant surprise, first one guy began enthusiastically sharing his "angel miracle" stories. Then, the other chimed in with his stories. She was shocked. She said even now she's still surprised by how many people have angel stories to tell.

A Beautiful Ride
As my abilities developed, my work changed and I had to grow and change with it. I no longer wanted to be known as “the angel lady” (which is how the well-meaning store staff started introducing me), any more than I’d wanted to be known as the cat lady, or the plant lady. I disliked being pigeon-holed. I stopped advertising as an angel card reader, and billed myself as a "direct intuitive" --because ultimately, we all are exactly that.

Nevertheless, I know the angels are always with me, as then, so also now. And once in a while that same box, which now stays in my bedroom, starts clamoring again. I’ll pull a few cards, do some readings. It's like an inside joke between us, “See Elisa, you trusted us, and look what happened! Isn't it something?" Yes, even angels have a sense of humor. I gladly let them enjoy their little I-told-you-so moments because all in all, it’s been a very beautiful ride. Thank you, angels.
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