Heart chakra energy directly relates to our interaction with the people and other beings of the world around us, probably moreso than any other chakra. It addresses our general openness, or the degree of our reluctance to open up. "Melinda" and "Rose" are two good examples of how differences in this energy center may look. In this article I share with you visual impressions I got when reading their heart energies.
Melinda's Obstacle Course

Instead, you would encounter what amounted to an obstacle course in Melinda's heart. It reminded me of those military training camps. To me she seemed to have a policy with the world that "visitors" are not granted easy access to her heart, represented by the cottage home. For whatever reasons, probably past hurts I'm thinking, her mental and emotional resources were strictly off-limits. She seemed to hope that people got stuck somewhere in the elaborate obstacle course she'd created, and give up trying to get close to her. In short, she was deeply reluctant to "let anybody in."
Melinda has a quick wit and sharp mind. But I think that mind served to work against her as far as her heart was concerned, maybe moreso than on her behalf. Perhaps she over-thought peoples' actions and words. Perhaps things didn't mean what she'd thought they meant. Perhaps the act she thought was malicious was merely a thoughtless oversight. In any event, in Melinda's mind were a number of "tests" that she'd created and perfected over the years. She probably added a new one with each heart break or disappointment she experienced. Anyone who desired to get close to her had to pass these tests before she would grant them audience. They had to survive that obstacle course first. It must have been a lonely life.
Better a Fence Than a Wall, Though
You could examine the subtle dimensions of a metaphor to get a deeper understanding of the subject. A closer look showed that Melinda's mental and emotional barrier against the world was not entirely impenetrable. It actually welcomed a sort of engagement with others that, though challenging, had a prize at the end of it. It had a bit of a cruel streak to it, but her approach was in its own way still engaged with other people. A side of her enjoyed watching someone who really wanted something, in this case her time and trust, work for what they wanted. Perhaps that made her feel valuable in the end.
Nevertheless, had her heart energy been formed like a wall, or had it felt "petrified" as I've sometimes read heart energy to be, it might have indicated she wanted to close herself off from others entirely. I don't believe such was the case with Melinda. She was still engaged with others. She just wanted to be sure of what she was getting, so she thoroughly tested a person's intentions before she'd approve of that person being anywhere in her life.
Rose had quite the opposite dynamic happening in her heart center. In my next post I'll share what I saw there.
Chakra Therapy - Heart Chakra Stones
Chakra Incense - 10 Sticks
Perfect Love, Imperfect Relationships: Healing the Wound of the Heart
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