by Sandra Hilleard

Psychic ability is the innate human ability to perceive things, people, places and events, distant in space and/or time that are shielded from our normal five senses.
If you ask the general populous if they ever had a ‘forefeeling’ something was about to happen, something that they could not have known. Most people will answer yes! Whether this is related to ‘knowing’ who is going to call moments before the phone rings. ‘Knowing’ a friend or relative is in distress over thousands of miles away without using any other means of communication. Almost every human being can recite some experience that is ‘unusual’ or perhaps dismissed as a strange coincidence, related to a feeling of ‘knowing.’
The remarkable thing is that most people who have been in dangerous or threatening situations over a longer period of time in their lives, like front-line military/police officers, seem to have developed a stronger awareness of these extrasensory abilities. Some of these people can even tell you that this so called ‘sixth sense’ has saved their lives.
People who have had a near death experience, also appear to develop their extrasensory perception after this life threatening experience. This all seems to indicate that ‘psychic abilities’ or ‘extrasensory perceptions’ are linked to a survival instinct and trigger some form of expanded awareness in order to prevent future trauma. Our primal survival instinct is innate to every human being and it seems to include precognition.
Experiments have been carried out at Princeton University and the University of Amsterdam to test ‘precognition’ or rather ‘anomalous cognition.’
A series of offensive and non-offensive images were mixed in a random picture slideshow. The person involved would not know what kind of picture would come up. The picture could be neutral, like a landscape, a seascape et cetera or it could be offensive, like violence, pain, distress and death. The test subject was hooked up to a heart rate monitor and was tested for galvanic skin response.
On the neutral pictures there was no peak in the response, as one would expect, but just before the offensive images appeared on the screen, the measurements peaked. This means that the person somehow became aware of the offensive picture just before it appeared on the screen.
Again these images relate to bad and/or traumatic experiences that we would normally avoid for our safety and protection.
I have had the opportunity in my work as a Remote Viewing trainer to talk to people who have had many psychic experiences, before they entered the Remote Viewing training. Many of them had the following history in common; threatening events in their youth or childhood, a form of head injury or concussion, and/or
a dangerous, high risk work environment. Through their tough life they seemed to have used their intuition or sixth sense more than average as a natural defence against the challenging and hostile environment.
Training and Guidance
Many people who experienced forms of extrasensory perception seem to struggle with the negativity related to the experiences as well as the negative social effects their predictions have. With training and guidance the extrasensory perceptions can become more controlled and more valuable for personal development.
With training these natural abilities can be fine-tuned to be used as a tool in many practical applications. Even though many people experience their innate psychic abilities in association with negativity at first, it can be used in positive and beneficial way.
Some of the very useful applications can be; finding leads in investigations, early recognition of unknown potential hazards, creative solutions to very complex problems, innovative discoveries, locating objects, missing persons, etc.
As we all possess the ability of extrasensory perception to some degree, we can develop it with training; much like playing a musical instrument or sport, it takes time and practice to master it. The formal training of this skill is called Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing is a teachable skill that allows a person to use the innate extrasensory perception within a structured format, bound by scientific protocols.
The result is that a trained Remote Viewer can better control his or her abilities and direct them in a positive sense.
More information on the training can be found on:
Rick and Sandra Hilleard founded the Australian Remote Viewing Unit, and are Workplace Trainers and Assessors in Vocational Educational Training. Sandra is also a graphic designer/webdesigner. She developed the training material for the Remote Viewing Unit Training programs and she gives lectures on the subjects of Remote Viewing, Psychic abilities, Consciousness and practical applications of PSI. She has a keen interest in Extraordinary Human abilities.
This article explores why psychic ability is an innate human ability, citing related research that seem to suggest we are able to learn to control these abilities, as well as give them a useful place in our lives.

Psychic ability is the innate human ability to perceive things, people, places and events, distant in space and/or time that are shielded from our normal five senses.
If you ask the general populous if they ever had a ‘forefeeling’ something was about to happen, something that they could not have known. Most people will answer yes! Whether this is related to ‘knowing’ who is going to call moments before the phone rings. ‘Knowing’ a friend or relative is in distress over thousands of miles away without using any other means of communication. Almost every human being can recite some experience that is ‘unusual’ or perhaps dismissed as a strange coincidence, related to a feeling of ‘knowing.’
Threats Trigger Extrasensory Perception
The remarkable thing is that most people who have been in dangerous or threatening situations over a longer period of time in their lives, like front-line military/police officers, seem to have developed a stronger awareness of these extrasensory abilities. Some of these people can even tell you that this so called ‘sixth sense’ has saved their lives.
People who have had a near death experience, also appear to develop their extrasensory perception after this life threatening experience. This all seems to indicate that ‘psychic abilities’ or ‘extrasensory perceptions’ are linked to a survival instinct and trigger some form of expanded awareness in order to prevent future trauma. Our primal survival instinct is innate to every human being and it seems to include precognition.
Scientific Experiments
Experiments have been carried out at Princeton University and the University of Amsterdam to test ‘precognition’ or rather ‘anomalous cognition.’
A series of offensive and non-offensive images were mixed in a random picture slideshow. The person involved would not know what kind of picture would come up. The picture could be neutral, like a landscape, a seascape et cetera or it could be offensive, like violence, pain, distress and death. The test subject was hooked up to a heart rate monitor and was tested for galvanic skin response.
On the neutral pictures there was no peak in the response, as one would expect, but just before the offensive images appeared on the screen, the measurements peaked. This means that the person somehow became aware of the offensive picture just before it appeared on the screen.
Again these images relate to bad and/or traumatic experiences that we would normally avoid for our safety and protection.
Intuition as Natural Defense Mechanism
Training and Guidance
Many people who experienced forms of extrasensory perception seem to struggle with the negativity related to the experiences as well as the negative social effects their predictions have. With training and guidance the extrasensory perceptions can become more controlled and more valuable for personal development.
With training these natural abilities can be fine-tuned to be used as a tool in many practical applications. Even though many people experience their innate psychic abilities in association with negativity at first, it can be used in positive and beneficial way.
Some of the very useful applications can be; finding leads in investigations, early recognition of unknown potential hazards, creative solutions to very complex problems, innovative discoveries, locating objects, missing persons, etc.
Development of a Skill
As we all possess the ability of extrasensory perception to some degree, we can develop it with training; much like playing a musical instrument or sport, it takes time and practice to master it. The formal training of this skill is called Remote Viewing. Remote Viewing is a teachable skill that allows a person to use the innate extrasensory perception within a structured format, bound by scientific protocols.
The result is that a trained Remote Viewer can better control his or her abilities and direct them in a positive sense.
More information on the training can be found on:

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