The main thing I've observed with this energy center is that one could have "people" in there, either guiding one's life for the better (where they do nothing without your consent), or controlling one's life for the worse.
In the article below, I describe aspects of strong and weak Crown Chakras. I also offer suggestions for balancing the energy of this chakra. These suggestions are starting points only. Let the wisdom of your own intuition guide you in additional ways to strengthen this area of your life.
In this article we'll look at:
I. A Strong Crown Chakra
1. Purple Power
1. Purple Power
2. The Presence of "Ascended Master" Types
II. A Weak Crown Chakra
1. Searching for Meaning
2. Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen
3. Suicidal Tendancies
III. Balancing the Energy of the Crown Chakra
A Strong Crown Chakra
Purple Power
When this area of a person's life is strong, I've clairvoyantly seen a lazer-like purple ray shooting out in all directions from this chakra (located where a crown would be, at the top of the head). It is a stunning, hypnotic, deep purple color. The ray's vibration feels firm, resolute, sure of itself, unwavering, intense, focused. This person knows where she's going, but she's not unfair in how she gets there. She has a balanced respect for herself and others. She has an instinctive sense of boundaries that she honors. She feels empowered because she knows and thoroughly believes in the limitless capabilities of her own soul. Her life's work, in some way, reflects that, as well as projects that onto others.
Like Dorothy on the Yellow Brick Road, she invites others she meets along the way to join her as she travels a road leading to success and fulfilment. She models to them that it's not some magical "Oz" outside themselves that gives them their heart's desires, but it is the natural talents and abilities that they had inside all along that does. Her life's work empowers others. People are inspired by her, and they "find themselves" through working with her. Like a camera lens, she helps others sharpen the image of their life purposes.
The Presence of Ascended Masters
When this chakra is strong I also tend to see images of ascended masters here. You carry the energy of people who influence the choices of your life path here. An ascended master is someone who transcended something which presented a major challenge to him or her during his or her lifetime. He or she developed a certain body of wisdom as a result of those experiences, and may have written about it too (and those writings may later have been venerated as "scripture"), or another party may have written about this person and his/her wisdom.
You want the energy of people like ascended masters hanging out in this chakra (below, I describe people you don't want hanging out in this chakra). Such a one "speaks" to you, and through you at times if you're very in tune with their energy, and inspires you to make positive life choices for yourself. In turn, you inspire others who know you. You've always felt "connected" to him or her in some way that's hard to describe, but that's always been very real to you.
A Weak Crown Chakra
A Search for Meaning
When this area of a person's life is weak, I've seen an image of the person's face within this energy center appearing to be looking all around, searching frantically. There is a sense of panic and anxiety in this vibration, a vampiric mental and emotional "grasping" for any and every body --except her self. This manifests in her behavior as her being easily distracted by what people around her say and do, because she has no personal agenda, no sense of focus. She's looking for meaning, and she never finds it.
Drama is an intoxicant that numbs her sense of emptiness, so she constantly craves it (in some cases, actual intoxicants, too). She's always jumping into peoples' conversations, or addicted to endless hours of TV or internet, or to gossiping about people. If she can't find someone else's drama to latch her consciousness onto, she creates some. Her involvement in all of it, whether hers or others' drama, has nothing whatsoever to do with her life purpose. It doesn't move her forward. It just keeps her stagnant. It eats up her resources of time, money, self esteem and bodily health, which could all have been used toward meaningful ends ....you don't get the years back once you've squandered them.
Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen
Once, I reached in and "pulled out" various peoples' energies from someone's seventh chakra. I saw random faces in her seventh chakra that constantly flashed and changed. It was kind of creepy, actually. The collective energy emanating from them was frenetic, busy and demanding, not balanced and focused. I immediately and instinctively knew that they didn't belong "in her head" like that. Yet, she was walking around with them, hosting them, giving them her vital energy. When I pulled these energies out, she jumped, and exclaimed, "whoa, what did you just do?" She said her hair was standing up at the roots. Indeed, my hands felt like static electricity was between them. I think her crown chakra was trying to correct and rebalance itself, sans all the foreign energies.
Later I learned that in her day job, which involved constant and impersonal contact with very harried customers during her shifts, she admitted to her habit of getting overly invested in anything anyone would say to her, knowing none of it had anything to do with the big picture of her life whatsoever. She admitted to even taking all this home with her, and thinking about it all some more at night (to the chagrin of her significant other). It seemed that being constantly caught up in other peoples' drama gave her life meaning somehow, the wrong kind of meaning, though. It's no wonder she complained of having headaches that were increasing in frequency and intensity.
Suicidal Tendancies
When one has feelings and thoughts about suicide, it reflects a disconnect from the energy of this chakra. Once I saw clairvoyantly that a lady had an energetic "hat" stretched over her Crown Chakra. I saw a clear, flat barrier covering it, and I sensed the barrier prevented divine inspiration from Spirit and her Highest Self from coming in, and it kept her thoughts about spirituality within her head, preventing her from expressing and manifesting them in her daily life. There was no give and take, no flexible interchange between her mundane life, and her sense of higher purpose. Later she told me she had been feeling like life had no meaning. Her relationship with a married man had recently ended, and it left her feeling worthless. She actually sounded mildly suicidal. She said she was hoping that a move to another city would help her to revive her interest in living again.
There is vital, life-giving energy in the Crown Chakra. Don't give it away, nor let anyone take it from you!
Balancing the Energy of the Crown Chakra
To help bring balance to this energy center you could:
1. Work at charting out and doing what you really need to be doing with your life
This energy center is about life purpose. Discard the habits you have, and the people you know, which don't support your true life purpose on this planet. You know what and who they are. Your life, literally, depends on it. Substitute them with new activities and people who do support your purpose. Fine-tune your plans from time to time. A great way to get you started is downloading and putting to use astrologer Robert Ohotto's awesome seminar, "Who Owns Your Chakras?" (click here: chakras). In it, he points out the ways we destructively give our energy away to others, and he offers practical strategies to refocus these vital energies back into our lives.
2. Envision your Inner Child as owning and running your seventh chakra

Frame a picture of yourself when you were about 5 years old and put it on your dresser, or put a 3x5 of her in your wallet, or tape her picture next to your bathroom mirror. Talk to her often. You'll be surprised by the wisdom of your Inner Child. She knows who you really are and what you came here to do. She's very forgiving when you make mistakes. But she's very straightforward when you ask her a question, so be prepared for the brutally truthful answers of a child.
3. Regularly practice the basics of grounding, centering and shielding
I will be describing these practices in future articles. In the meantime, they are easily Googled, so take some time to study them, but more importantly practice them. Focus especially on centering, if you think you have crown chakra issues. In yogic spirituality, keeping your mind centered is called, dharana, or one-pointedness. Stay out of conversations or issues around you that don't involve you. Catch yourself when you're just being nosey. Breathwork helps: take your consciousness away from drama and bring it back into your body by shifting your focus to your breathing --in slowly, out slowly. Celebrate your life force.
4. Meditate on peacefulness itself
In Sanskrit peace is shanti, a word which even the mere sound of it is peaceful. Let it, or another word which puts you into a peaceful state, be your mantra. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and slowly repeat it silently in your mind whenever you need to still your thoughts (or out loud if you're alone). If someone says or does something startling, don't get caught up in the drama. Stay in your own energy. Chant your mantra instead ...and just breathe.
Life Symbols: Set 7 Handbook for the 38 Life Symbol Cards to Rebalance and Heal the Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra Healing Amethyst Pendant & Stone

Sterling Silver Crown Chakra Gem Earrings with AmethystIn Sanskrit peace is shanti, a word which even the mere sound of it is peaceful. Let it, or another word which puts you into a peaceful state, be your mantra. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and slowly repeat it silently in your mind whenever you need to still your thoughts (or out loud if you're alone). If someone says or does something startling, don't get caught up in the drama. Stay in your own energy. Chant your mantra instead ...and just breathe.
Life Symbols: Set 7 Handbook for the 38 Life Symbol Cards to Rebalance and Heal the Crown Chakra
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