by Mary Meith
Guest Blog!
Hi. The season of gratitude is upon us, leading us to our very special American holiday, Thanksgiving. It reminds us that gratitude is a doorway that leads us to more expansive and loving experiences of life. I want to share with you 2 simple techniques that can help us to make gratitude an integral part of our everyday lives. These were shared by some friends in the World Community of St. Francis.
First - Bytes of Joy:
Use the time in your car to find things of beauty to appreciate, things to make you smile, people or
situations to bless. Think of them as “bytes of joy”. And you can always sing, chant or listen to uplifting music.
Second - Waterfall of Gratitude:
Keep a waterfall of gratitude constantly running in your mind, sometimes in the back and sometimes quite consciously. Look for things to be grateful for all day. Let it become a habit. Feel the joy that accompanies gratitude.
Yet another idea - A Gratitude novena ending on Thanksgiving Day:
Decide to focus on gratitude daily in November leading up to Thanksgiving Day. Write your thoughts down in a journal ending perhaps with a simple ceremony on Thanksgiving Day itself. I invite you to join me in doing this as a conscious practice this November. Make your own practice be as long as works for you.
And you might want to try using my Gratitude Journal to help you.
I recently encountered this beautiful message about people all over the world joining together to envision a new world. I want to share this with you. Enjoy!
Tips for Defusing Stress with Feng Shui
Much of the environmental stress from a Feng Shui viewpoint comes from energy moving too fast or too slowly. Examples of common problems:
Energy moving too slowly:
Clutter: Eliminate - clean, sort, store, organize
Doors not opening fully - Remove blockage
Too dark - Turn on the light
Overgrown foliage, especially by entry - Prune
Energy moving too fast:
Sitting or sleeping at the end of a long hallway - Move
Sitting or sleeping between a mirror and a window - Move bed or chair or place a crystal in window.
Sitting with your back to the door - Move or place mirror so that you can see the door.
Secret arrows = pointed objects aimed at you like: sharp corners or plants with pointy leaves, etc. The solutions are many, but generally the cure is to put something between you and the offending source
of energy that is moving “too fast”. Another major source of environmental stress is harmful energy,
typically coming from electromagnetic sources or from the earth (geopathic).
Common sources of problems: electronic and electrical equipment, including cell phones and portable phones, refrigerators and hot water heaters near commonly used spaces, fuse boxes near a bed, transformers near a bedroom, high tension lines nearby. There are a number of things that can be used to neutralize this energy. You can read more about this in a newly published book: Zapped by Louise Guittleman
One of the services that I offer my clients is to identify these harmful energies via map dowsing using a pendulum. Then I offer solutions for neutralizing them.
Mary Meith enjoys helping clients use Feng Shui to create environments that support their lives, and help them attune them with the natural flow of energy around us. Visit Mary's website to find out about her upcoming feng shui classes, cooking classes, or to schedule a personal feng shui appointment:
Additional Resources:
HoMedics WFL-ROC Envirascape Illuminated
Rock Garden Relaxation Fountain
Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Your Everyday Life
Feng Shui for the Soul by Denise Linn
Space Clearing A-Z : How to Use Feng Shui
to Purify and Bless Your Home by Denise Linn
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